В густую падают траву.
Когда б не смерть, то никогда бы
Мне не узнать, что я живу.
Вам до меня какое дело,
Земная жизнь и красота?
А та напомнить мне сумела,
Кто я и кто моя мечта.
В самом себе, как змей, таясь,
Вокруг себя, как плющ, виясь,—
Я подымаюсь над собою:
Себя хочу, к себе лечу,
Крылами темными плещу,
Расширенными над водою;
И, как испуганный орел,
Вернувшись, больше не нашел
Гнезда, сорвавшегося в бездну,—
Омоюсь молнии огнем
И, заклиная тяжкий гром,
В холодном облаке исчезну!
В морозном воздухе растаял легкий дым,
И я, печальною свободою томим,
Хотел бы вознестись в холодном, тихом гимне,
Исчезнуть навсегда, но суждено идти мне
По снежной улице, в вечерний этот час
Собачий слышен лай и запад не погас
И попадаются прохожие навстречу...
Не говори со мной! Что я тебе отвечу?
Add this to the rap sheet of smoking cigarettes: The longtime foe of optimal health may not only be hurting our bodies, but going after our brains as well. A new study published in the scientific journal Molecular Psychiatry suggests that smoking cigarettes physically taxes the brain by breaking down the cortex, its outer layer, over time. The cortex plays a role in how we think, solve mathematical problems, stay attentive, and even learn languages. The science: Your brain's cortex naturally thins as you get older, but smoking may speed that process up. Though past studies have linked smoking to a loss of mental acuity, this is one of the first to delve into how it might change the actual structure of the brain."If you had a choice between affecting your cortex and not affecting your cortex, I would choose not affecting it," Dr. Sherif Karama, a psychiatrist at McGill University in Canada who led the observational study, told Mic. The research indicates that even though the thinning effect may be reversible, it can take anywhere from a few weeks after a person quits smoking to 25 years, depending on how much a person has smoked over their lifetime."One of the surprises was how widespread the effect was," Karama said. The thinning affected large portions of the brain, he explained, not just isolated spots.
The yellow portions of the brain show the spots where people who never smoked had a thicker cortex than than people who were current smokersSource: Molecular Psychiatry/Karama et al.The orange and yellow shows the regions where ex smokers have a thicker cortex than their current smokers in the study do.Source: Molecular Psychiatry/Karama et alThe orange parts of the image show parts of the brain where non-smokers had a thicker cortex than ex-smokersSource: Molecular Psychiatry/Karama et alThe study: The researchers took advantage of a large dataset that came from the 1947 Scottish Mental Survey, a government initiative with the goal of testing the cognitive ability of children over time. By recruiting 504 men and women (smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers) who participated in the survey as children, the researchers could paint a better picture of how smoking might have affected their brain as adults. The team then interviewed each adult to test their cognitive ability once again, and collected brain scans to analyze and compare.There was a very distinct pattern in the pictures. "What we have observed is that in old age, the current smokers had the thinnest cortex, those that never smoked had the thickest cortex, and ex -smokers were in between these two groups in terms of thickness. This was interpreted as suggesting accelerated thinning," said Karama.The researchers don't know exactly why this happens but they do have a few hunches. One theory is that because smoking affects our lung capacity, it slows down how much oxygen gets to the brain, which might explain the cognitive decline and thinner cortex.Another theory asks the age-old question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Perhaps people who develop a smoking habit may naturally have a thinner cortex to begin with. If that's the case, then developing an extremely thin cortex around the brain might predate smoking rather than follow it, the researchers explain in their study.
Why this matters: Karama notes that one of the tricky parts about getting a smoker to quit is convincing them why it's important. Another reason is the length of time it takes before the negative side effects of smoking start to become apparent to the average smoker. In Canada, the government has gone to gruesome lengths to dissuade smokers, even printing diseased and tumorous lungs on packages, but the efforts seem to be futile. Even in the U.S., ad campaigns have taken to shaming celebrities into giving up the habit by spreading photos of them in the act. But since the negative effects of smoking often set in later in life smokers tend to carry the attitude of "smoke now, worry later." Even though the study is observational, the researchers were meticulous in their data collection and analysis. Even just the possibility that stopping could reverse smoking-related-thinning should serve as a strong incentive for a smoker to quit. Just something to think about on your next smoke break.
И я выхожу из пространства |
“Today’s the day I’m going to kill myself,” said David Durston. “You wake up and think, yeah, I’ll kill myself today. It’s today.” He sat in front of cheerful primary-coloured walls describing the darkness of his worst mornings. The Solace Centre for adults with mental illness, a low-slung bungalow in Ealing, west London, is a sanctuary for those with troubled minds – troubled in the mind-filling, heart-emptying way that can lead people like David, a softly spoken 55-year-old, to wake up feeling that this day could be his last.
He isn’t alone in the struggle. Across Europe, men are around four times more likely to die by suicide than women. More men in the UK have died by suicide in the past year than all British soldiers fighting in all wars since 1945. According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, what they categorise somewhat obliquely as “intentional self harm or events of undetermined intent” account for over 1% of all deaths, killing three times more people than road accidents, more than leukaemia, more than all infectious and parasitic diseases combined. More than 6,000 people in the UK died by suicide in 2013; 78% of them were men.
These numbers are the aggregate of thousands upon thousands of unique untold stories, of men who didn’t make it. David, who works at a local garage but lives alone, is one of the many thousands more who struggle not to join them. “One day I’m great, I’m terrific,” he told me, left hand rummaging in the palm of his right. “The next, I’m low, I’m thinking of suicide, about the ways that I can die.”
To fully understand suicide would require the impossible – to know what the dead were thinking. It is an act that precludes the testimony of the only witness who really matters. Notes are only left in around a quarter of cases, but sometimes there are clues to be found in the online detritus of young lives ended too early. In most of his YouTube videos, Brett Robertshaw has headphones on, head bobbing rhythmically, fingers flashing up and down the fretboard of his bass guitar. His talent had gained him a following; some of these videos attracted 40,000 views. One is different. In it he sits in front of the camera – a red-haired, matter-of-fact boy. He’s shy and serious, quietly answering questions from his online following.
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1. репетирование ролей
2. разведение сада на лоджии
3. разучивание вальсов на фортепиано
Ну, вектор задан. Будем работать.
1. Повесить качели аля скамейка | 1 | (11.11%) | |
2. Кресла-качели | 4 | (44.44%) | |
3. Кресло-качалка | 2 | (22.22%) | |
4. Гамак | 1 | (11.11%) | |
5. Не выпендривайся, это будут пластиковые стулья из Икеи, дай бог с подушками. | 1 | (11.11%) | |
Всего: | 9 |
Read more at www.mamamia.com.au/rogue/fifty-shades-of-grey-r...
I walked into the premiere screening of Fifty Shades of Grey last night planning to walk out with a bunch of ridiculous and funny material that would lead to a hilarious recap. Instead, I walked out of the cinema on the verge of tears.
I’m really, really sorry you guys. I know I made a big deal yesterday about how I was going to write a ‘totes-hilare’ review. I obnoxiously posted pics from the red carpet and tweeted in all caps at the first sighting of pubes.
But I screwed up. I screwed up big time. I went into this film thinking it would be two hours of B-grade hilarity about bondage that I could make fun of. It was actually two hours of incredibly disturbing content about an emotionally abusive relationship that left me really, really shaken.
And now I’m embarrassed that I ever joked about it.
I haven’t read any of the Fifty Shades books, so I went into last night’s screening cold. I think that was the problem. The phenomenon has only ever been on the periphery of my care-factor zone. I honestly thought the story was just about a young, sexually inexperienced woman, who meets a slightly older, extremely sexually experienced man, and he teaches her everything she needs to know in three books of clit-tingling sex-scenes.
It was my understanding that the sex was BDSM-themed, which, with my limited knowledge of that stuff, I assumed included some tying up of hands and slapping on the bum and… I don’t know – blindfolds?
I thought the books were all about kinky, slightly naughty sex. Sex that mixed pleasure with a bit of pain and made housewives around the world read the book with one hand free. And I’m all about women pleasuring themselves, so other than thinking I was glad some sexually-repressed women were getting their rocks off, I didn’t really give it much more thought.
I had heard the rumblings from domestic violence groups wanting people to boycott the film, but with limited understanding of the story, I assumed that was because it involved a woman being physically harmed by a man during sex. And my opinion was, well, if they’re two consenting adults, and being tied up and slapped is their thing, then what’s the big deal?
But I had no idea that Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t just about the sex. It’s also about an incredibly disturbing and manipulative emotionally abusive relationship.
So, about half an hour into last night’s screening, I found myself doing a horrified double-take. I quite suddenly realised that I was watching a film that glorified domestic abuse.
The relationship between Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele is one of the most fucked up and upsetting I’ve ever seen portrayed on the big screen.
And let me be clear to the women who are incredibly defensive of the book that gave them a sexual awakening: When I talk about domestic abuse, I’m not talking about the sex.
In fact, I considered the sex to be the least offensive part of the movie. Christian’s ‘playroom’ was everything I had hoped for comedy-wise – it looked like the home you imagine the gimp from Pulp Fiction would go home to at the end of the day. He tied up Anastasia and they did lots of sexy things with whips and feathers and her pleasure seemed just as important as his, which is refreshing for a blockbuster film.
But let’s take the sex out of the equation for a minute. Because as I was sitting in that cinema last night, I was completely floored by what I was watching. And by what millions of women had accepted as a relationship to aspire to.
Christian meets Anna. He is immediately obsessed with her. He figures out where she works and turns up there unannounced. He tracks her phone one night and confronts her on the street. He even lets himself into her home, and shocks her by walking into her bedroom while she’s alone.
When they start dating, he immediately puts himself in a position of complete control. He plays with her emotions and confuses her by doing things like tenderly kissing her, then pushing her away. He refuses to share a bed with her after they sleep together. She is in tears about the way he treats her within a few days. She finds herself staring longingly at couples who seem to be happy and affectionate with one another.
He buys her a computer so he can contact her whenever he wants. He sells her car and provides her with one that he approves of, all without asking her. He tells her that she’s not allowed to tell anybody about what goes on between the two of them, or it’s over, essentially isolating her from friends and family.
He says that she must dress in clothes that he chooses. She must go to a doctor that he chooses, and take the contraceptive that he chooses. She must eat what he chooses. She’s not allowed to drink to excess. He tells her that it is her job to please him, and that if she doesn’t keep him happy to his exact specifications, it’s over.
When he finds out that she has scheduled a trip to her mother’s house in another state without asking him, he is furious. He throws her over his shoulder and screams, “YOU ARE MINE. ALL MINE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
By this point, Christian has complete control of Anna. He dictates when they see each other, how affectionate they are with each other and who Anna is allowed to talk to and spend time with. Her friends and family can tell that she’s unhappy.
But above all, Anna is confused. Whenever she tries to reach out to Christian, she doesn’t know if he’s going to be receptive or ice-cold. He’s inconsistent, and, desperate to hang on to the few moments that he’s nice to her, that inconsistency keeps Anna under his control. She seems to think that if she stays, if she just keeps trying, she’ll figure out how to make him happy and he’ll stop treating her so badly.
Anna is smack-bang in the middle of an emotionally abusive relationship.
Now, take all of what I just described, and add some BDSM sex. Then, take all the conditions Christian placed on Anna, and frame them in the context of an ‘official BDSM contract’ that he made her sign.
That is how this movie makes domestic abuse seem okay. It’s emotional abuse disguised as a ‘naughty sex contract’. It’s domestic violence dressed up as sexy fantasy.
And it’s a genius, subtle move. Putting this kind of controlling, emotionally abusive relationship in the context of a sexy billionaire who just needs to be loved, makes it ridiculously easy to convince audiences the world over that this kind of behaviour is okay. He’s not some poor drunk with a mullet, hitting his wife for not doing the dishes. Christian is classy. Rich. Educated. He’s not what most women imagine an abuser to be, and his kind of abuse is not what most women would immediately recognise.
Not to mention, the combination of emotional abuse and sexual bondage means anybody who says they find the message in the story disturbing can be reduced to a ‘prude’, or accused of not understanding what BDSM involves. The blurred lines in this film mean any kind discussion about abuse can be easily shut down by those determined to be obtuse because they like the sexy blindfolds.
But there is no doubt in my mind that the film I watched last night was a disturbing and clear depiction of a controlling and emotionally abusive relationship. This was domestic violence. I don’t care how many women learned to embrace sex because of Fifty Shades of Grey. THIS WAS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
I was somewhat heartened when the film ended with Anna deciding her limits had been pushed too far. She leaves Christian and is clear that she doesn’t want him to follow. Then I found out that she goes back to him, and spends the next two books in the same emotional and manipulative turmoil. She spends the next two books clinging to the good moments they have together, hoping that eventually the good will outweigh the bad. Hoping that one day she’ll figure out how to make him happy, so he won’t need to keep treating her badly. Hoping that if she just… keeps… trying…
This was domestic abuse marketed as Valentine’s Day fun. That’s why I nearly cried. And that’s why I couldn’t write a funny recap.
I’m embarrassed that I ever thought I could.
— Emily Rapp
Ученые выяснили, что короткий дневной отдых после тяжелой бессонной ночи поможет привести в норму гормональный фон организма и значительно улучшить самочувствие человека. Статья об исследовании была опубликована в Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism .
Ученые провели эксперименты на 11 добровольцах. После ночного сна, ограниченного двумя часами, у испытуемых наблюдалось увеличение уровня норадреналина в крови (примерно в 2,5 раза), а также повышение уровня интерлейкина-6. Норадреналин вырабатывается организмом в стрессовых ситуациях, при шоке, кровопотере, ожогах, нервном перенапряжении. Интерлейкин-6 стимулирует иммунный ответ, мобилизует энергию, которая приводит к повышению температуры тела.
Два получасовых перерыва на сон после такой ночи возвращали все показатели организма в норму. Исследователи утверждают, что результаты их работы следует взять на заметку всем страдающим от недосыпа людям.
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Here’s the thing about JUPITER ASCENDING, literally the greatest movie ever made. Is it “good,” or is it, more probably, garbage? I really don’t have the capacity to say. I’m not Saint Roger Ebert, olav hasholem, over here. I took one film class and it was about whether real stuff is, like, real, or is there even such a thing as, like, really real, man, you know?? (There isn’t. I got an A.) I’m not here to tell you if it is good. I am only a woman with eyes and ears and joy centers in my brain. Here is what I will tell you. Look at my icon. As daeontherun so rightly pointed out, my icon was both of our faces for the ENTIRE DURATION of this movie.
Do you need to know any more than that? Do you need to know any more than that you will be flooded with pure, innocent delight for two hours? Here is my feeling about this movie: it is your garbage. It is garbage for you. “Is this how straight dudes feel at the movies all the time????” I hissed at daeontherun SEVERAL times during this movie. “Like someone carefully noted down your early pubescent fantasies and then threw 100 MILLION DOLLARS at them?”
I would describe this feeling as, like, a combination of arousal, joy, and fond knowing chagrin. “Oh you,” you find yourself thinking at Jupiter Ascending as shirtless Channing Tatum gruffly but torturedly checks his weaponry, while Sean Bean voiceover rumbles in his beautiful Northern growl about how tortured and loyal shirtless Channing Tatum is and how he needs his PACK. Ten seconds before this, Channing Tatum and Sean Bean were sexily punching each other while yelling about their emotions. “You know what I like, you crazy beautiful bastard,” you say to Jupiter Ascending, shaking your head fondly. Mila Kunis wakes up in a beautiful dress, blinking slowly with her long gorgeous lashes. “Feel my skin,” naked Tuppence Middleton purrs at her [REDACTED 4 SPOILERS]’s clone, Mila Kunis, gently caressing her bare arm. Gugu Mbatha-Raw stands over Channing Tatum and sexily taunts him. There is a 20 minute Henson-evoking sequence about [REDACTED 4 SPOILERS BUT TRUST ME THAT IT’S AMAZING]. Eddie Redmayne flutters an elegant hand around while hoarsely gasping out sociopathic, vaguely incestuous promises in a fucking SEQUIN TITS OUT DRESSING GOWN with ARM WINGS in his EVIL SPACE CATHEDRAL THRONE ROOM!!!! “DO U LIKE DIS?” Jupiter Ascending asks, glancing shyly at you. “I MAKED IT.” “Of course I like it,” you say, overcome by joy and wonder, kissing Jupiter Ascending on the forehead. “I’ve never liked anything this much, and I love you more than anyone in the whole world.” I don’t want to be controversial, but if I had to choose between Jupiter Ascending and Citizen Kane I would immediately travel back in time, murder Orson Welles, and walk away whistling. I would cheerfully burn the entire Criterion Collection to the ground for this movie. Go see Jupiter Ascending. You’re welcome.
[x] sashayed.tumblr.com/post/110444647320/heres-the...