
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
☑ Манчестер Сити 1 - 2 Ювентус. При этом мы 18-е (!!!) в Серии А. Но спасибо им, порадовали, мне это никогда не лишнее. Сезон начался, славатехоспади. Грустно без футбика-то. Да, кто не знает, болею я за Ювентус, сборную Италии и Феррари в Формуле 1. Пишу про них тут почти никогда, так что...
☑ Завтра иду к психотерапевту. Йоу.

Кстати, о терапии.

The Dark, Gruesome, and Oddly Feminist World of “Hannibal”

>>> herstoryarc.com/2015/09/15/the-dark-gruesome-an...

If you haven’t heard of NBC’s Hannibal by now, I can only imagine it’s because you’ve taken some sort of masochistic sabbatical from the Internet for the past 3-4 years. This show has sparked a truly dedicated and somewhat intimidating fanbase (the Fannibals), is driven by some of the best acting and writing I’ve seen on TV in recent memory, and consistently has some of the highest online ratings for any show ever aired on commercial broadcast television. And rightfully so – the show is an absolute cinematic and creative masterpiece. I am infinitely surprised Hannibal was allowed to air on ‘regular’ broadcasting (as opposed to Showtime or HBO, home to other well-loved murderers).

Hannibal just finished its third and sadly final season after NBC failed to renew the series. While some held out hope for alternative providers, like Netflix or Hulu, to pick up the series, there have been ownership and proprietary roadblocks preventing this. There are timing issues, as well; with Hannibal‘s showrunner, Bryan Fuller, set to begin co-creating American Gods, and the show’s lead actors, Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen, taking on other soon-to-film projects (The Way and Star Wars: Rogue One, respectively), it seems that scheduling another season within the next year would be incredibly difficult. Fans aren’t giving up and the hope still exists for an eventual (no matter how eventual) Season 4.

Luckily for us for now, the show’s ending was, (to me) a very satisfying conclusion to the series, whether or not the story is ever taken up again. So, in the wake of the Hannibal TV series finale, while I am struggling to process all these emotions and considering flinging myself off a cliff, I decided to review the show as a whole in terms of how it portrayed women.

Content warning: This review includes discussion of graphic violence, sexual assault and rape.

Not offensive to women = 1 pt*
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@темы: олени, дорогой дневник

16.09.2015 в 10:58

The wings of flies, gentlemen, represent the aerial power of the psychic faculties.
Фраза, сказанная Фуллером про сосисочную вечеринку моя любимая))) Всегда о ней вспоминаю, когда вижу кино или сериал без женских персонажей.

The female characters, while strong in their own rights, still are primarily victim to Hannibal and Will’s whims which can, at times, make them feel as though they are just sort of pawns being pushed around in one really disturbing game of chess.

Именно по этой причине я хочу появление Клариссы.

Margot Verger’s character in the show has taken some flack as well, considering that Thomas Harris wrote her as a body-building, butch lesbian while her TV counterpart is thin and feminine (you can read an interesting criticism of this choice at Nerds Raging).

Не знала, что оригинальная Марго была такой в книге.

about the budding and bloody co-dependency between two damaged men
Отличное определение.
17.09.2015 в 00:37

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Jeanne dArc, Не знала, что оригинальная Марго была такой в книге.
подожди, ты же читала? мне казалось...

я не читала но в тумблере много писали про то, что не круто что ее сделали красивой. и злились когда она переспала с уиллом (до того как стало понятно что у нее была причина).
17.09.2015 в 10:59

The wings of flies, gentlemen, represent the aerial power of the psychic faculties.
stracciatella, я не все книги читала, только Красный дракон.

я не читала но в тумблере много писали про то, что не круто что ее сделали красивой. и злились когда она переспала с уиллом (до того как стало понятно что у нее была причина).


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