
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
//отличный какой сайт everydayfeminism, почему я раньше на него не подписывалась?...//

//тоже важная для меня статья, потому что у меня мало шансов стать жертвой серьезных насильственных отношений (т.е. мной иногда можно помыкать, но вот не более), а насильником быть, по ощущением, еще как могу, если другой человек это не остановит//

//нафиг мне это надо, с другой стороны, я же одиночка...//

Here’s What You Need to Know About Unlearning Toxic Behaviors If You Grew Up Around Abuse

April 24, 2015 by Robin J. Landwehr

Source: Becuo

“I didn’t do what my father did, so I thought I was okay.”

It was true. My client hadn’t done half of the horrible things that his father did to him and the other members of his family.

So, for the longest time, he didn’t examine his own abusive and toxic behaviors – not recognizing them, as such.

But evidence mounted over the years that suggested that there was a problem.

Relationship issues. Employment issues. A couple of legal issues. Addiction issues.

The truth was that he learned more from his abusive environment than he previously thought.

He was demonstrating toxic behaviors in many areas of his life that led to consequences, and changing them would be difficult.

This article will discuss some common toxic behaviors and how we might unlearn them.

Do We Really Learn Toxic Behaviors?читать дальше

@темы: социальное, псих

27.04.2015 в 18:45

оу, спасибо за ссылку на сайт, я тоже о нем не знала, и за статью тоже)
27.04.2015 в 18:56

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

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