
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

1. Вы имеете право чувствовать все свои чувства. Нет «плохих» чувств. Вы можете научиться эффективным способам использования своих чувств, чтобы удовлетворять свои потребности.

2. У Вас есть право хотеть то , чего Вы хотите. Вы можете активно добиваться желаемого и прямо просить о том , что Вам нужно.

3. Вы имеете право видеть и слышать. За Вами последнее слово о том , что Вы видите и слышите.

4. Вы имеете право веселиться и радоваться, когда Вы этого хотите. Вы имеете право решать, когда, где и с кем Вы хотите играть.

5. Вы имеете право говорить правду, такую, какой Вы ее видите . Вы можете слушать, как другие воспринимают мир и, при этом , решать, что является правдой для Вас.

6. Вы имеете право устанавливать свои ограничения или границы. Это помогает Вам чувствовать себя в безопасности и защищенным.

7. Вы имеете право на свои собственные мысли, чувства, поведение и свое тело. Вам не надо нести ответственность за то , что не является Вашим.

8. Вы имеете право на ошибки. Нет «ужасных» ошибок. Ошибки хороши, потому что помогают нам учиться.

9. Вы имеете право на уединение и личную жизнь и обязаны уважать уединение и личную жизнь других. Не нарушайте сознательно приватность других.

10. Вы имеете право иметь проблемы и конфликты. Чтобы получать любовь, вам не надо быть совершенным.

Дженей и Берри Уайнхолд

@темы: nb, мотивировочная часть, псих


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
ну вы посмотрите на них

хочу ворона((
но нельзя((((

еще птичек разных всяких shaylorphoto.tumblr.com/post/120602071485

@темы: зверики, фотография


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
38 лет назад
Вояджер-1 впервые запечатлел первое совместное изображение Земли и Луны

2015 г.

@темы: фотография, поехали!, yeah, science!


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
вендиго жутковатый даже когда он - виниловая игрушка!

@темы: олени, больше фанстаффа!


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
вырезанный кусок, который должен был быть предпоследней сценой

а это вырезанное из Дольче боже ну вы даете а
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@темы: олени

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Шнобелевская премия 2015, а вы что думали?

«Газета.Ru» еще до завершения церемонии вручения Шнобелевских премий 2015 года узнала имена ее лауреатов — жюри отметило такие открытия, как ежедневный секс на протяжении 32 лет и 888 детей как результат, пчелиный укус в пах, многоразовые яйца и курица с протезом в роли динозавра. В Гарвардском университете началась церемония вручения одной из самых необычных, но по-своему престижных премий — Шнобелевских премий (Ig Nobel Prizes) — этой почетной наградой чествуют авторов тех исследований, которые «заставляют сначала засмеяться, а потом — задуматься». «Газете.Ru» имена лауреатов премии стали известны заранее, поэтому подробный отчет о «достижениях» лауреатов 2015 года можно прочитать уже сейчас.

Нынешняя церемония уже двадцать пятая по счету. В этом году каждый из лауреатов получает «солидный» приз — чек на сумму 10 триллионов долларов. Правда, зимбабвийских.

Большинство лауреатов премии прибыли на церемонию за свой счет и получили награду из рук нобелевских лауреатов – Керола Грейдера (физиология, 2009 год), Эрика Маскина (экономика, 2007 год), Фрэнка Вильчека (физика, 2004 год) и Дадли Хершбаха (химия, 1986 год)

Многоразовые яйца

Премия по химии вручена группе ученых под руководством Грегори Уэйса из Калифорнийского университета в Ирвине за открытие способа превращать сваренные куриные яйца обратно в сырые. Свое устройство они продемонстрировали в начале года. «Да, мы разработали способ разварить куриные яйца обратно», — рассказали тогда ученые, опубликовавшие свою работу в журнале ChemBioChem.
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@темы: yeah, science!, ...haha, ликвидация безграмотности


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Про "Сказку сказок" сложно сказать, что этот фильм понравился, но за один только конец ему можно дать много :up::hlop::up::hlop:
Это было приятно, неожиданно и вдохновляюще)
Ну и в целом неплохо. Сумасшедшие европейцы есть хорошо.

@темы: из всех искусств для нас важнейшим...


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
18.09.2015 в 01:22
Пишет  Старуха Лоухи:

О шотландской клетке.
У России тоже есть свой тартан .
Он был подарен России Обществом Тартана. Составлен он из двух тартанов - тартана Barclay и тартана Lermontov - в честь великого русского поэта Михаила Юрьевича Лермонтова и фельдмаршала князя Михаила Богдановича Барклая-де-Толли, которые были потомками выходцев из Шотландии.
Тартан называется Russian Scottish Tartan. Является региональным, то есть его может носить любой гражданин России.
Номер тартана в Scottish Register of Tartans - № 3619.

пруф www.tartanregister.gov.uk/tartanDetails.aspx?re...

URL записи

@темы: my heart's in the Highlands wherever I go


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
паоло себастьян опять

@темы: fashun


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
14.09.2015 в 03:22
Пишет  undel:

Однажды в Шпионии
Как-то раз я уже писала нечто подобное, но тогда меня на полноценный фик не хватило, а сейчас хватило. :lol::facepalm:
Стилистический кроссовер АНКЛ с "Ликвидацией", "Однажды в Одессе" и т.п. Да, меня тоже настигло.

Автор: Undel
Фандом: АНКЛ (фильм)
Пейринг: ну догадайтесь.
Рейтинг детский - и вы знаете тех детей
Содержание (оно же предупреждение, я серьезно): трэш, слеш, ололо и азохнвей
Ну, поехали.

Однажды в Шпионии

Где-то в Восточном Берлине
- Пришел почирикать за вашего папу.
- Так кто ж вам запретит.
- О, ваш папа это такой человек! Он жил у нас как в раю, весь в меду и яблоках, и вдруг без всякого адьё растаял, как рафинад. Это как?
- Как всегда. Это такой папа, каких нет и не надо. Найдите его и киньте в пропасть.
- Я затем и пришел. Ваш папа хорошо грамотный про физику. Если его встретят не там, то случится такой гевалт, что всем нам станет не смешно. Так вы по-прежнему не знаете за папу. А за дядю Руди?
- За Руди можно посмотреть.
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URL записи

@темы: из всех искусств для нас важнейшим..., ...haha


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Как правильно отдыхать на работе
Чтобы лучше работать, начинайте отдыхать рано и почаще.

Сложно найти человека, который бы каждый день всё рабочее время работал без перерыва. Обычно мы регулярно на что-то отвлекаемся: то на кофе, то разговор с коллегами, то – что уж там греха таить – на фотографии в социальной сети. Само по себе это не так страшно – постоянная работа утомляет, и чтобы как-то освежить собственное восприятие, дать толчок новым мыслям, нужно позволять себе небольшие «пятиминутки». Но как их лучше распланировать? Следует ли, скажем, делать перерыв на кофе в первой половине дня или во второй? И что лучше делать: просто пить кофе, или совместить его с картинками в Фейсбуке или Вконтакте, или общаться с соседями по офису?

Во время рабочего перерыва вы можете заниматься чем угодно, главное, чтобы вам это нравилось.

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@темы: yeah, science!, eat your greens!, псих


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Наледи выходит на люди. *тяжело вздыхает* Новый вид раннего Homo преподносит сюрпризы

13 сентября 2013 г. два спортсмена-спелеолога – Стивен Такер и Рик Хантер - залезли в пещеру Райзинг Стар в Южной Африке. Она уже была известна узким "шкуродёром" "путь Супермена", по которому могут проползти лишь исключительно субтильные личности. Но Стивену и Рику повезло: в конце изведанного ранее туннеля они обнаружили продолжение, ведущее в манящие недра земли. И они не зря последовали диггерскому зову - в тупике (который теперь зовётся Диналеди) их ждала сенсация. На дне небольшой камеры эффектно лежали чьи-то кости. Стивен и Рик оказались не просто спелеологами, а грамотными и образованными людьми. Они сфотографировали неожиданную находку и принесли фотографии Ли Бергеру, известному во всём мире южноафриканскому палеоантропологу. Несколько лет назад он прославился, открыв в пещере Малапа скелеты Australopithecus sediba. Очевидно, звезда удачи продолжает светить над его головой.

Ли Бергер организовал масштабную экспедицию в Райзинг Стар. Тут-то и обнаружилось, что иногда всё же полезно есть мало каши: очутиться на месте сенсации дано не каждому. Только самые мелкие исследователи способны протиснуться в каменные тиски и достичь вожделенных костей.

Но это всё присказка. Главное, конечно, не история открытия, а сами окаменелости.

И тут сенсация окончательно стала сенсацией.

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@темы: антропология, yeah, science!


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
тихо.. ти-ихо...
эт чё, КВН как надо? как положено КВНу? когда его можно большими буквами писать?

с 1.17.42
превью некрасивое

@темы: я другой такой страны не знаю, социальное, политичное, шоб позырить


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
☑ Манчестер Сити 1 - 2 Ювентус. При этом мы 18-е (!!!) в Серии А. Но спасибо им, порадовали, мне это никогда не лишнее. Сезон начался, славатехоспади. Грустно без футбика-то. Да, кто не знает, болею я за Ювентус, сборную Италии и Феррари в Формуле 1. Пишу про них тут почти никогда, так что...
☑ Завтра иду к психотерапевту. Йоу.

Кстати, о терапии.

The Dark, Gruesome, and Oddly Feminist World of “Hannibal”

>>> herstoryarc.com/2015/09/15/the-dark-gruesome-an...

If you haven’t heard of NBC’s Hannibal by now, I can only imagine it’s because you’ve taken some sort of masochistic sabbatical from the Internet for the past 3-4 years. This show has sparked a truly dedicated and somewhat intimidating fanbase (the Fannibals), is driven by some of the best acting and writing I’ve seen on TV in recent memory, and consistently has some of the highest online ratings for any show ever aired on commercial broadcast television. And rightfully so – the show is an absolute cinematic and creative masterpiece. I am infinitely surprised Hannibal was allowed to air on ‘regular’ broadcasting (as opposed to Showtime or HBO, home to other well-loved murderers).

Hannibal just finished its third and sadly final season after NBC failed to renew the series. While some held out hope for alternative providers, like Netflix or Hulu, to pick up the series, there have been ownership and proprietary roadblocks preventing this. There are timing issues, as well; with Hannibal‘s showrunner, Bryan Fuller, set to begin co-creating American Gods, and the show’s lead actors, Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen, taking on other soon-to-film projects (The Way and Star Wars: Rogue One, respectively), it seems that scheduling another season within the next year would be incredibly difficult. Fans aren’t giving up and the hope still exists for an eventual (no matter how eventual) Season 4.

Luckily for us for now, the show’s ending was, (to me) a very satisfying conclusion to the series, whether or not the story is ever taken up again. So, in the wake of the Hannibal TV series finale, while I am struggling to process all these emotions and considering flinging myself off a cliff, I decided to review the show as a whole in terms of how it portrayed women.

Content warning: This review includes discussion of graphic violence, sexual assault and rape.

Not offensive to women = 1 pt*
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@темы: олени, дорогой дневник


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
10 Signs That Made Me Realize I Was an Alcoholic (And Not Just a ‘Party Girl’)
At the age of 26, I found myself – someone who had been working as a counselor in a rehab facility – sitting in rehab as a client. In just a few short months, my life had come crashing down around me. How did I go from being a carefree party girl to full-blown alcoholic?
I had lots of “good” reasons to drink, and I always thought that everyone would drink if they were dealing with problems like mine.
I drank because I was depressed.
I drank to cope with the trauma of being a survivor of sexual violence.
I drank because my partner was abusive.
I drank because it made me feel funny and confident and vibrant.
I drank because life was really hard when I didn’t.

Navigating the world in a marginalized body can be hard. Add trauma and/or mental illness to that, and it makes sense that some of us might use substances to cope with the weight of living in a white supremacist cisheteropatriarchy.
Research seems to back this up.
Studies have found that between 50 and 96% of substance abusers seeking treatment report experiencing trauma; up to 34% of patients receiving substance abuse treatment have a PTSD diagnosis.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about a third of all people experiencing mental illnesses and about half of people living with severe mental illnesses also experience substance abuse.
A coping mechanism doesn’t have to be healthy to be valid; we’re all just doing the best we can with the tools that we have.

I Had Lots of Reasons to Think I Didn’t Have a Problem

Despite the fact that I had been admitted to a 30-day inpatient program, I still wasn’t convinced that I had a problem.
Despite the fact that many people in my life were concerned about my drinking, I had lots of reasons that I told myself I wasn’t an alcoholic.
I didn’t drink every day.
I didn’t drink in the morning (unless I’d been up all night and was still drinking. That didn’t count).
I was picky about what I drank. Just wine and champagne – and vodka if that was the only option. I could turn down whiskey, rum, or tequila, no problem.
I’d never had a DUI.
I didn’t drink alone. Even if I went to the bar alone, there were always people there, so that wasn’t technically “alone.”
I had a Master’s degree. I was pretty sure alcoholics didn’t have Master’s degrees.And then one day, someone said to me, “It’s not about how much you drink; it’s about what happens when you drink and how you feel when you don’t.”

With that one sentence, everything fell into place for me. I started to connect the dots about my behavior and, slowly, my denial began to crack. I recognized larger patterns of behavior and how they were reflective of my alcoholism. So how did I finally begin to understand that I had a problem?
1. I Always Drank More Than I Planned
I often went out with the intention of having “a couple glasses of wine.” I’d sit down at the bar, order a drink, and the next thing I’d hear was, “Last call!”
No matter what I told myself at the beginning of the night, I was never able to just have a couple of drinks. If my friends went home, I’d walk to a bar down the street and keep drinking. If I opened a bottle of wine, I always finished the bottle of wine.
Of course, there was always that one time I had consumed just two drinks – but I’d spend the rest of the night both patting myself on the back for my accomplishment and wishing I could have had more.
2. My Drinking Interfered with My Life
I was what people refer to as “a flake.” But really, I was just always drunk or hungover. I routinely missed work. At one point, I was calling out once per week. And if I wasn’t calling out, then I was late.
I canceled plans a lot, even if they were things I really wanted to do.
Sometimes because I was too hungover to get out of bed. Other times because I had started drinking and couldn’t be bothered to do what I was supposed to.
I missed job interviews I really wanted, parties for friends I really cared about, and dates with people I really liked. I spent rent money on booze and routinely called my parents to bail me out (I was lucky to have that option, I realize). I always had a dramatic story (that may or may not have been true) about why I didn’t do that Thing I Promised I Would Do.
3. I Often Drank to Black Out
I would wake up in the morning with no recollection of the night before. I woke up places I’d never been, with people I didn’t know, and no idea how I’d gotten there.
And instead of facing how scary the reality of these situations were, I’d tell myself that this was a sign of a great night.
What I would come to learn is that, while many people have experienced “blacking out,” most people don’t black out on a regular basis for years on-end.
4. I Routinely Did Things When I Was Under the Influence That I Wouldn’t Have Done Sober

I was the queen of drunk texting. I’d wake up and delete all my text messages before I couldn’t even read them because I didn’t even want to know.
I showed up at my exes houses at all hours of the night, throwing rocks at their window and begging them to come talk to me. I undressed in public.
And in the morning, I never wanted to hear about what I’d done the night before. “No, no, don’t tell me!” I’d plead.
I felt like Drunk Britni and Sober Britni were two different people, and Sober Britni had to deal with the consequences of Drunk Britni’s actions. And so I’d drink so I didn’t have to think about it anymore.
5. People in My Life Were Concerned About Me

Everyone I’d ever dated said to me, “I don’t like you when you drink. You’re like a different person.”
My parents pleaded with me to stop. Good friends stopped calling. I wasn’t invited to be in my childhood best friend’s wedding party.
“I think you need help” was something I heard on a regular basis.
I was pretty sure that those people just didn’t know how to have fun.
6. I Was Drinking to Fix How I Felt When I Was Sober
Drinking may have caused a lot of problems for me, but the real problem was how I felt when I was sober. When I was drunk, I was funny and confident. I was outgoing, I could talk to people, and I could go places.
When I was sober, I hated myself. I slept for twenty hours per day. I wanted to die. I didn’t open mail, do laundry, or take out my trash. When I was sober, I had anxiety about things. Life just seemed really hard.
When I was sober, instead of getting better, my life actually got progressively worse.
7. I Lied to People About How Much I Was Drinking

Even though I didn’t think I had a problem, I also had some awareness of the fact that other people might.
I tried to downplay how much and how often I was drinking so that people wouldn’t be worried about me.
“Oh, I just got here like half an hour ago,” I’d say, even though I’d been on the barstool since noon. “This is my second glass of wine,” I swore, even though it was really my second bottle.
I worried that if people knew the truth, I’d have to stop. And stopping was the scariest thing I could think of.
8. Drinking Controlled Where I Went, What I Did, and With Whom I Hung Out
I was way more likely to attend a function if I knew there would be booze there.
I could be friends with anyone as long as there was alcohol involved.
I avoided hanging out with people who didn’t drink like me because they made me feel like an alien. I would become obsessed with being able to drink the way I wanted to without “freaking anyone out.”
I drank in dive bars with no windows, where the bartender knew my name and my order and I could drink on credit if I didn’t have the money.
When I’d pull into the parking lot, I felt like I could finally breathe. I’d made it. Everything was going to be okay. It didn’t matter who was on the barstool next to me; they allowed me to convince myself that I wasn’t drinking alone.
9. I Kept Promising That I Would Stop, But Never Could
I tried to stop (or even cut back) drinking many times. I went to therapy. I went on antidepressants (several kinds, in fact). I moved across the country (and back again).
I dated lots of people. I had sex with lots of people. I joined the gym. I started meal planning. I joined three book clubs at once. I’d proclaim to all my Facebook friends that I was taking a month-long break from drinking, only to change my mind three days later because “now just isn’t a good time.”
I tried everything I could think of to stop drinking, but I could never go longer than a few days. I’d wake up after an epic bender, my life in shambles, and swear I’d never do that again.
As each day went by, it didn’t seem as bad as I thought. And I’d find myself back at the bar as if my life wasn’t falling down around me.
10. I Finally Realized That I Couldn’t Do This by Myself
By the time I agreed to seek treatment, I had lost my job, been kicked out of my apartment by my partner, and was dealing with chronic illness as a direct result of my using. The day I got sober was no different than any other day, really.
I was technically homeless and had been staying on a friend’s couch for the past several days. In that time, I hadn’t showered, and I smelled pretty rank. It was nine in the morning and I was still awake drinking wine and using cocaine – alone. I looked out the window at all of the people starting their days and I realized that, not only did I not know how to do that, but that I’d never known how to do that.
In that moment, I understood that I needed help, because if I could stop on my own, I would have done it already. I picked up the phone and called my partner.

“Okay, I’ll go to treatment.”
So You Think You Might Have a Problem – What Now?

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Wow, this sounds a lot like me,” then hi! I’m so glad you’re here. Knowing that other people thought and acted like me was a huge step towards getting well. It meant that I wasn’t abnormal, I wasn’t broken, and there was a solution.

As a first step, I encourage you to do some reading. Read other stories and blogs written by people with alcoholism. It’s a good way to feel less alone and to start to get an idea of what your life could be like without alcohol.
Only you can decide that your drinking is a problem.
If you’ve decided that you want to try to stop drinking but you’re not sure how, reach out for support. Talk to your friends or family, if you can. See a counselor, if you don’t already.
Check out twelve-step groups in your area, or look into SMART Recovery if twelve-step programs aren’t your thing. Maybe consider looking into online support groups if that feels safer for you.
There are lots of options out there for people who struggle with alcoholism. There’s not a one-size fits all solution, so find what works for you.
If you’ve read this far and relate to what’s written here, I want you to know that you are an incredible human. Recognizing that you have a problem is the beginning of a lifelong journey that can be incredibly difficult, but it’s one that you never have to take alone.
If no one has told you how strong you are yet today, let me be the first.

@темы: социальное, eat your greens!, псих