
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
35 Practical Steps Men Can Take To Support Feminism

Most men do many things in their daily lives that directly or indirectly contribute to a culture of gender inequality.

On Facebook, a friend recently linked to an article called 20 Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution. Although he liked the list, he (correctly) noted that most of the suggestions were quite academic. The friend in question, like me, is an academic, so this point is not meant to be an indictment of the original article. It’s just that practical tools and academic tools can have different places in the world.

His comments have prompted me to create a list of more practical tools. Most men -- particularly men who benefit from multiple forms of structural privilege -- do many things in their daily lives that directly or indirectly contribute to a culture of gender inequality. Even men who support feminism in theory can be not great at applying feminism in their everyday practices.

This list entails suggestions for some practical tools all men can apply in their day-to-day lives to foster equality in their relationships with women, and to contribute to a culture where women feel less burdened, unsafe, and disrespected.

Part of living in a patriarchal society is that men are not socialized to think about how their habits and attitudes harm women. This list is meant to push men to think more consciously and personally about the direct and indirect effects they have on women, and to think more about how they can contribute to feminism through their lived, everyday practices.

Tools 15 - 27 are c/o Lindsay Ulrich. Other tools c/o Pamela Clark.

The list is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. Certain items on the list will apply to some men more than others, but if you are a man and a human I guarantee there is at least one area on the list where you could make an improvement. If you think there’s something we’ve missed, tell me! If you think something on the list is problematic, let’s have a conversation about it!
1. Do 50% (or more) of housework.

You need to do your share of housework all the time, of your own accord, without procrastinating, without being asked, without making excuses. Recognize that our domestic habits and our internalized ideas about unpaid domestic work are hugely gendered and hugely benefit men, and accept that it is your responsibility to fight against this. If feminism is the theory, clean dishes are the practice. Over the next week, take note of how much housework you do as compared to women you live with and note where it is or is not an equitable division.

2. Do 50% (or more) of emotional support work in your intimate relationships and friendships.

Recognize that women are disproportionately responsible for emotional labour and that being responsible for this takes away time and energy from things they find fulfilling.

3. Consume cultural products produced by women.

In whatever your interests are -- French cinema, astrophysics, baseball, birdwatching -- ensure that women’s voices and women’s cultural products are represented in what you are consuming. If they are not, make an effort to seek them out.

4. Give women space.

Many women walk around -- especially at night or while alone -- feeling on edge and unsafe. Being in close physical proximity to an unknown man can exacerbate this feeling. Recognize that this is not an unreasonable fear for women to have, given how many of us have experienced harassment or abuse or been made to feel unsafe by men when we are in public spaces. Also recognize that it doesn’t matter if you are the kind of man who a woman has any actual reason to fear, because a woman on the street doesn’t have a way of knowing this about you or not.

Examples: If a seat is available on public transit next to a man, take that seat rather than one next to a woman. If you are walking outside in the dark close to a woman walking alone, cross the street so that she doesn’t have to worry someone is following her. If a woman is standing alone on a subway platform, stand some distance away from her.

5. … but insert yourself into spaces where you can use your maleness to interrupt sexism.

Examples: challenge men who make sexist comments and jokes. If you see a female friend in a bar/at a party/on the subway/wherever looking uncomfortable as a man is speaking to her, try to interject in a friendly way that offers her an opportunity for an “out” if she wants it. If you see a situation where a woman looks like she may be in distress while in the company of a man, stand nearby enough that you make yourself a physical presence, monitor the situation, and be in a position to call for help if needed.

Things like this can super difficult, awkward, and complicated to know how to do, but it’s worth trying anyway. Making yourself feel momentarily uncomfortable is a fair tradeoff for making a woman feel more comfortable.

6. When a woman tells you something is sexist, believe her.

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@темы: феминизм, что думаете? что-то добавить? что-то убрать?, ликвидация безграмотности

30.09.2017 в 14:42

некоторые пункты звучат как-то... грубо, что ли? или нагло? хотя я смею предположить, что это во мне говорит unfortunate воспитание в патриархальном обществе, нежели действительная "неправильность" пункта.

3. Consume cultural products produced by women.

я считаю себя феминисткой (а также борцом против расизма, гомофобии, религии и прочих ядовитых штук нашего мира), но я никогда не поглощаю какой-то продукт (книга/фильм/марка одежды и т.д.) просто потому, что продукт сделан женщиной, геем, POC или атеистом. если мне нравится -- я покупаю. но я понимаю, откуда растут ноги этого пункта. "поддерживайте своих" или что-то типа того. но все равно немного странно звучит

16. Be responsible with money in domestic/romantic relationships.
опять же понимаю, откуда это лезет корнями, и допускаю, что я просто не так интерпретирую сообщение, но здесь буквально завуалированно говорится "зарабатывай больше, иначе женщине придется зарабатывать больше, у них стеклянный потолок". и как бы один из пунктов феминизма и говорит о том, что женщина и мужчина могут зарабатывать по-разному и если женщина зарабатывает больше мужчины в этом нет ничего плохого => мужчина от этого не становится меньше мужчиной, а женщина не становится "мужиком семьи/единственная кто с яйцами в доме" и так далее

31. If you have a tendency to behave inappropriately toward women when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, do not consume drugs or alcohol.

and this is where i walk away ахах. отвратное поведение в пьяном виде -- это бесспорно херово, но перестать пить и курить травку насовсем из-за этого как-то слишком экстремально. хотя может во мне говорит внутренний алкоголик, которого я еще не раскрыла

"...if you are walking outside in the dark close to a woman walking alone, cross the street..."
я, опять же, согласна, что чувствую себя некомфортно, если за мной кто-то идет, но переходить на другую улицу как-то слишком taking on an extreme whole new level. хотя вспоминая ситуации и потенциальные мои мысли/выходы из него я понимаю, что лучше бы это правило трубили везде, жить было бы легче ахах

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