our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
There’s nothing new about the consideration of male superheroes as icons of masculinity. Superman representing the pinnacle of wholesome, idealised masculine power, or The Hulk as an allegory for the angry, repressed male id. And these types of masculinity are not innate or inevitable. Masculinity, like all gender roles is a socially constructed performance.
But performative masculinity has a tension to it that performative femininity does not, because performing itself is seen as innately unmasculine. You cannot learn to be a real man, you are or you are not. You can’t make one or learn to be one. Because our story about masculinity is that it just is. It is an ur state of being. The most natural way for a human to be.
Steve Rogers came out of a bottle.
And Steve Rogers’s weapon is a shield. Steve does not attack, he defends. Steve Rogers is the only Avenger who does not thrust forward with a phallic weapon. From Loki’s staff to Clint’s arrows, Black Widow (who pairs so well with Steve because she is a phallic woman) has guns, Tony essentially is a giant penis (sorry, friends, that’s all I see), and of course no one would even pretend that Thor’s hammer isn’t Thor’s penis.
But Steve has a shield. And a shield isn’t particularly feminine. It is not a cup or a sheath or a hole. It is just anti-phallic.
And that is Steve. the non-phallic man. Because you can’t make a man in a machine. Only a strange kind of monster.
Steve Rogers did not begin as a man. Skinny Steve is a feminised man. A sissy. He fights against it - it’s a highly stigmatised way for a man to be - but he can’t win. He can’t win any fight. He is small, he is weak and sick. He starts trouble, but he needs to be rescued. He tries to pursue the most masculine thing he can, being a soldier, but as he stands there with his fluffy hair and child-body, his pretence at masculinity is rejected by the real men.
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@темы: marvel cinematic universe, team rogers

18.09.2017 в 15:13

The wings of flies, gentlemen, represent the aerial power of the psychic faculties.
Tony essentially is a giant penis

The most masculine version so far is probably the Commander Rogers uniform, were the blue is sombre and the red is gone and the boots are brown. It is also the least iconic of his outfits.
мой любимый костюм)

Steve Rogers is both. Hyper masculine and hyper feminine.
в этом плане Стив конечно уникальный герой. и тот путь, что он прошёл. от хрупкого нежного мальчика, до непробиваемой горы мышц. и при этом внутри остался тем же чувствительным и самоотверженным.

Again a shirtless man is being presented in a feminised way. Bucky with his long hair and big eyes, in pain, half naked in a room of men in suits.
меня всегда поражало, на сколько эта сцена порнографична. не смотря на весь смысловой ужас, который в ней происходит. обманчивое сочетание сексуальной картинки и насильственного смысла.

Which can have a lot of power for women to explore how their own bodies are restricted, taken from them and put to use by others. It’s powerful to see a male body that way, it’s also terrifying.
Это кстати действительно интересная и важная тема для раздумий. Видеть мужское тело как уязвимое и используемое мужчинами и проводить аналогии с женским телом и как оно используется.
21.09.2017 в 19:46

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Jeanne dArc, и при этом внутри остался тем же чувствительным и самоотверженным.
можно назвать это метафорой пластической хирургии, они прям предсказали этот бум, можно сказать) люди будут бежать менять верхнюю оболочку, а внутри-то то же самое.
21.09.2017 в 20:37

The wings of flies, gentlemen, represent the aerial power of the psychic faculties.
люди будут бежать менять верхнюю оболочку, а внутри-то то же самое.
а именно комплексы и неудовлетворённость собой.

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