our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Очень правильная статья о том, что надо четко делить Социальную Справедливость и отношения.

7 Ways Social Justice Language Can Become Abusive in Intimate Relationships

“It’s that bone gnawed moment

when you realize ‘The Community’ will do nothing

to stop him from showing up at your backdoor

in the middle of the night

with the rifle he bought for the revolution”

—Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, “so what the fuck does consciousness mean anyway”

There aren’t a lot of things I know for certain in this life, but there is one thing I have known for a long, long time: What lives at the heart of abuse is fear – and the power to turn that fear into violence and control.

When we live in fear, when all we have known for all our lives is fear, we are capable of transforming even the best causes and ideas into weapons of abuse – even the cause of social justice.

Let me tell you a story to show you what I mean: A few years ago I took a deep breath, looked one of my closest friends in the eye, and told him that I thought he should stop beating up his boyfriend.

He blinked at me in surprise. He shook his head, as if he couldn’t believe what I was saying. Then he said, “But it isn’t abuse if I hit him. I’m more oppressed than he is.”

It was my turn to shake my head in disbelief as I struggled to get a grip on what was happening, what was true, what I believed, what my responsibility in the situation was.

It was true that my friend was, on a systemic level, “more oppressed.” He was racialized, and his boyfriend was white. He was raised in a working class family, and his boyfriend was upper middle class.
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