
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
An Elegy for ‘Hannibal,’ TV’s Most Twisted Love Story

Warning: There are spoilers for the season three finale of “Hannibal” in this article.

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@темы: олени

16.09.2015 в 11:13

The wings of flies, gentlemen, represent the aerial power of the psychic faculties.
We were witnesses to this show’s great becoming,

Хорошо сказано.

In the end, the Dragon, not Will (who had seen himself as the lamb in this scenario), is sacrificed as Hannibal and Will combine their murderous powers and consummate their love.
Интересная точка зрения. Я не рассматривала Дракона как ягнёнка, который принёс себя в жертву. "Гнев агнца" мы все ассоциировали с Уиллом.

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