our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Наконец-то решила сделать пост про фанфикшен. (¬‿¬)
Let the madness begin!
same post on my LJ jellicle-kitten.livejournal.com/1354190.html a bit different from this one.
Сначала пойдет Klaine.
- практически везде рейтинг NC-17
- не люблю драбблы, так что тут почти все multi-chapter
- только английский язык
- я не читаю mpreg/boypussy, смерть главных персонажей, практически нет dom|sub/slavery/non-con/dub-con с г\п (но есть пара исключений)
14.* Good (You Know What I Mean) herostratic.livejournal.com/71388.html 1960s Klaine, Badboy!Kurt. That infamous anonymously posted GKM fic that was eventually claimed. Wonderfully written, mostly just smut and feels, not overly plot-ish. Historically accurate to an absolute tee and fantastically developed, the period it is set in is interwoven in every way; dialogue, pop culture references, fashion, cars, teaching methods. Not just another historical fic that ignores its period in every way but the homophobic element.
15. For Better or Worse sotto-voice.livejournal.com/678717.html#cutid1 Kurt is an up-and-coming New York City wedding planner working on the biggest wedding of his career, and Blaine is the frontman of an unfortunately-named band from New Jersey. Booking an untested band with a distracting lead singer is either going to be the best or the worst decision that Kurt has ever made. He's not sure which, just yet.
16.* War of the Words a-rainy-monday.livejournal.com/89475.html Курт и Блейн воюют в своих бложиках на тему книжек. Очаровательно)
17. Тот же автор. a-rainy-monday.livejournal.com/16043.html Once In A Lullaby. Я ее до сих пор не дочитала. Сказка о том, как, направляясь шпионить в Далтон, Курт попадает в параллельный мир, в котором находятся все люди и вещи, потерянные в нашем мире. Назад дороги нет, придется ассимилироваться. Смириться с тем, что никогда больше не увидишь семью; найти новую. Много новых персонажей, что для меня всегда тяжело. Ну и в принципе с одной стороны интересно, с другой часто очень грустно.
PS. Этот же пост в ЖЖ jellicle-kitten.livejournal.com/1354190.html
PPS. Добавлено несколько фиков по ГП: Снейп/Гермиона, омг. Пытаюсь вспомнить логины на хогвартснет и прочие сайты, где явно куча всего в favorites...
- fade to black
- gotmedoingbackflips.tumblr.com/post/19481398626...
- gotmedoingbackflips.tumblr.com/post/20730997282...
archiveofourown.org/works/441536 - сенатор!блейн омг
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7029739/1/Expect_the_unexp...(Blaine
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6579070/1/Offensive_Innoce...
- www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=1768... it's frowned upon
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6873489/1/ Kurt is a beloved music teacher and, along with partner Dave Karofsky, proud father to 6-year-old Ellie. Blaine, his best friend, is a young Chicago lawyer who unwillingly becomes the leader of a statewide gay rights movement. When Kurt and Ellie's home life turns violent as a result of Dave's alcoholism, Blaine opens up his home to them. Brief Kurtofsky, Klaine later. Future fic.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7016875/1/Let_me_be
- lionsandowls.livejournal.com/560.html
- whenidance.org/post/31404123224/fic-shatter-the... AU in which Blaine was raised by highly religious parents and escapes to NYC with Quinn, moving in next door to Rachel and Kurt. Based on this spoiler pic for tomorrow night’s ep, and the very first line, which I cannot take credit for, as aelora said it to me about said pic. no spoilers for the fic aside from the pic, if you want to click on it, and where Kurt is working if you’re still living under a rock about that. ~2100 words. PG-13, but the rating’ll go up.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/36785.html?threa... FILL: I Know We're Cool, 1a/? Kurt/Blaine experimenting, nerd!klaine, first time
- sararye.tumblr.com/post/32207961637 A rosy cheeked stranger walks into Kurt’s bookshop one autumn evening, and the story begins
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7330560/7/New-Blood
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... chazzam fic \\ prince blaine
- snowytelevision.livejournal.com/ hiding place
www.fanfiction.net/s/5623923/1/The_Paladin_Prot... --- это вообще фанфик по Теории большого взрыва
dont-be-fancy.livejournal.com/10298.html сandyman (если кому-то удастся найти более красиво написанный smut, я даже не знаю, вряд ли такое возможно)
water-nix.livejournal.com/15186.html Summary: On the third of August in Blaine Anderson's ninth year, something momentous happens: he sees a boy crying on the beach and decides to do something about it. What he gets in return is a best friend, a confidant, an ally to help him through the ups and downs. They spend one month together every summer. One perfect month until they are old enough to escape together. Eleven Augusts and the letters in between.
updated 11.11.12
Let the madness begin!
same post on my LJ jellicle-kitten.livejournal.com/1354190.html a bit different from this one.
Сначала пойдет Klaine.
- практически везде рейтинг NC-17
- не люблю драбблы, так что тут почти все multi-chapter
- только английский язык
- я не читаю mpreg/boypussy, смерть главных персонажей, практически нет dom|sub/slavery/non-con/dub-con с г\п (но есть пара исключений)
* означает особые чувства к фику
1.* Little Numbers. iknowitainteasy.livejournal.com/812.html AU, Курт и Блейн не пересекались, живут в НЙ, студенты. Блейн случайно отправляет смс на неправильно записанный номер, напарываясь на весьма саркастичного молодого человека. Весь фик - переписка К/Б, Курта-Рейчел, Блейна и Уэса и Уэса и Рейчел. Иногда - звонки по телефону. Очень остроумно и качественно сделано, масса фотографий и музыкальных номеров. Я так понимаю, общепризнанно лучший фанфик по пэрингу. Никакой НЦы. Проникаются им даже те, кто особенно не знаком с сериалом, так что...
2. Go Your Own Way. www.fanfiction.net/s/7222219/1/Go_Your_Own_Way BadBoy!Blaine переводится в МакКинли из исправительной школы Далтон.
3.* The Muse. the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/post/22480910891/porn... 34-летний художник/писатель Блейн встречает 16-летнего Курта, неизвестно каким образом оказавшегося в Сан-Франциско, живущего самостоятельно и явно скрывающегося от кого-то. Очень нравится стиль автора, особенно в этом фике. Написано как бы набросками, этюдами. Про то, как она пишет smut, я вообще молчу, наверное, лучшее, что я читала.
4.* Going for Broke. www.fanfiction.net/s/7628174/1/Going_for_Broke Заходит как-то раз брокер Блейн в бар, а там его угощает пивом незнакомец с испачканными краской волосами и заставляет задуматься о том, насколько верен его жизненный выбор. Хорошо задавать такие вопросы, когда у тебя самого идет обратный отсчет. Но не бойтесь, я не читаю про смерть персонажей, так что в итоге все в порядке, радуги и единороги.
5. Все у автора Admiller. www.fanfiction.net/u/2832384/admiller.
- Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered: Курт и Блейн времен второй мировой, WIP
- Nameless: стандартный вариант "секс->любовь", но это адмиллер, поэтому...WIP
- Zombies Don't Bring Out The Best In Everyone: АГА. WIP
- Welcome to Hogwarts и сиквел: я, кстати, их так и не дочитала, потому что все-таки по-моему если пишешь про вселенную ГП, надо устраивать приключения. тут они оба в рейвенкло и... но must read anyway
6. Есть масса известных фиков, которые я по какой-то причине не смогла дочитать. Dalton www.fanfiction.net/s/6515261/1/Dalton, конечно. Но меня там очень бесит то, что Курт с Блейном очень скучные, тогда как там есть остроумные персонажи, но не главные герои. McKlainey High scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=11 и сиквел. Курт практически перевелся в Далтон, но Блейн его опрередил и перевелся в МакКинли. На автора * beautifulwhatsyourhurry scarvesandcoffee.net/viewuser.php?uid=5 можно обратить внимание, * Swing sets and sandboxes волшебный.
The Sidhe www.fanfiction.net/s/6988158/1/The_Sidhe - совершеннейший must read, фентези!клейн, гениально, шедеврально, в конце рыдаешь, но so worth it!
7.* Everyday. Курт и Блейн вместе около 10 лет, женаты. Курта сбивает машина, он в коме. Блейн практически решился остановить жизнеобеспечение, как Курт радостно вылезает из комы, только он думает, что ему 14 лет.
8.* An Accidental Chance. Блейн - звезда. Случайно твитит свой номер телефона другу в реплай, Курт это сразу же видит и Сантана решает позвонить.
9. Like Rockstars herostratic.livejournal.com/73690.html#cutid1 - Курт и Блейн пытаются спеться для дуэта в Vocal Adrenaline.
2. Go Your Own Way. www.fanfiction.net/s/7222219/1/Go_Your_Own_Way BadBoy!Blaine переводится в МакКинли из исправительной школы Далтон.
3.* The Muse. the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/post/22480910891/porn... 34-летний художник/писатель Блейн встречает 16-летнего Курта, неизвестно каким образом оказавшегося в Сан-Франциско, живущего самостоятельно и явно скрывающегося от кого-то. Очень нравится стиль автора, особенно в этом фике. Написано как бы набросками, этюдами. Про то, как она пишет smut, я вообще молчу, наверное, лучшее, что я читала.
4.* Going for Broke. www.fanfiction.net/s/7628174/1/Going_for_Broke Заходит как-то раз брокер Блейн в бар, а там его угощает пивом незнакомец с испачканными краской волосами и заставляет задуматься о том, насколько верен его жизненный выбор. Хорошо задавать такие вопросы, когда у тебя самого идет обратный отсчет. Но не бойтесь, я не читаю про смерть персонажей, так что в итоге все в порядке, радуги и единороги.
5. Все у автора Admiller. www.fanfiction.net/u/2832384/admiller.
- Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered: Курт и Блейн времен второй мировой, WIP
- Nameless: стандартный вариант "секс->любовь", но это адмиллер, поэтому...WIP
- Zombies Don't Bring Out The Best In Everyone: АГА. WIP
- Welcome to Hogwarts и сиквел: я, кстати, их так и не дочитала, потому что все-таки по-моему если пишешь про вселенную ГП, надо устраивать приключения. тут они оба в рейвенкло и... но must read anyway
6. Есть масса известных фиков, которые я по какой-то причине не смогла дочитать. Dalton www.fanfiction.net/s/6515261/1/Dalton, конечно. Но меня там очень бесит то, что Курт с Блейном очень скучные, тогда как там есть остроумные персонажи, но не главные герои. McKlainey High scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=11 и сиквел. Курт практически перевелся в Далтон, но Блейн его опрередил и перевелся в МакКинли. На автора * beautifulwhatsyourhurry scarvesandcoffee.net/viewuser.php?uid=5 можно обратить внимание, * Swing sets and sandboxes волшебный.
The Sidhe www.fanfiction.net/s/6988158/1/The_Sidhe - совершеннейший must read, фентези!клейн, гениально, шедеврально, в конце рыдаешь, но so worth it!
7.* Everyday. Курт и Блейн вместе около 10 лет, женаты. Курта сбивает машина, он в коме. Блейн практически решился остановить жизнеобеспечение, как Курт радостно вылезает из комы, только он думает, что ему 14 лет.
8.* An Accidental Chance. Блейн - звезда. Случайно твитит свой номер телефона другу в реплай, Курт это сразу же видит и Сантана решает позвонить.
9. Like Rockstars herostratic.livejournal.com/73690.html#cutid1 - Курт и Блейн пытаются спеться для дуэта в Vocal Adrenaline.
10. I swear www.fanfiction.net/s/7333577/1/ Kurt is sent to Dalton Reform School for Boys after he commits a horrific crime. He expects the uniforms, the strict teachers, the counselling, but he doesn't expect the endearing group of criminal teenagers to take him under their wing.
11. At Least Things Can't Get Any Worse fleurdelisee.livejournal.com/118893.html#cutid1 Summary: Of course, everyone in the industry hates him. Seeing Kurt’s name alongside yours only means one thing: as hard as you’ll try, he’ll steal the show.
11. At Least Things Can't Get Any Worse fleurdelisee.livejournal.com/118893.html#cutid1 Summary: Of course, everyone in the industry hates him. Seeing Kurt’s name alongside yours only means one thing: as hard as you’ll try, he’ll steal the show.
+ тот же автор * "My Heart Can Never Be Still" 40-е годы, мальчики встречаются в католической школе, куда их направили, чтобы излечить их гомосексуальность. Безрезультатно.
12. Crave One Name, Two Rhythms, Our Love glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/29310.html?threa... Klaine - age.difference , teacher/student, D/s /// Я пока толком не прочла ни один D\S фик. Надо бы также добить No Envy, No Fear, но все-таки это совершенно не мой кинк. Радует разве что то, что Курт в обоих Dom.
13.* CONSONANCE & DISSONANCE SERIES theonewithfics.livejournal.com Series Summary AU in which Blaine is four years older than Kurt and therefore they never meet at Dalton. Kurt ends up at OSU instead of in NYC, where Blaine is a grad-student-turned-professor, and also the object of Kurt's crushing his sophomore and junior years.
12. Crave One Name, Two Rhythms, Our Love glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/29310.html?threa... Klaine - age.difference , teacher/student, D/s /// Я пока толком не прочла ни один D\S фик. Надо бы также добить No Envy, No Fear, но все-таки это совершенно не мой кинк. Радует разве что то, что Курт в обоих Dom.
13.* CONSONANCE & DISSONANCE SERIES theonewithfics.livejournal.com Series Summary AU in which Blaine is four years older than Kurt and therefore they never meet at Dalton. Kurt ends up at OSU instead of in NYC, where Blaine is a grad-student-turned-professor, and also the object of Kurt's crushing his sophomore and junior years.
14.* Good (You Know What I Mean) herostratic.livejournal.com/71388.html 1960s Klaine, Badboy!Kurt. That infamous anonymously posted GKM fic that was eventually claimed. Wonderfully written, mostly just smut and feels, not overly plot-ish. Historically accurate to an absolute tee and fantastically developed, the period it is set in is interwoven in every way; dialogue, pop culture references, fashion, cars, teaching methods. Not just another historical fic that ignores its period in every way but the homophobic element.
15. For Better or Worse sotto-voice.livejournal.com/678717.html#cutid1 Kurt is an up-and-coming New York City wedding planner working on the biggest wedding of his career, and Blaine is the frontman of an unfortunately-named band from New Jersey. Booking an untested band with a distracting lead singer is either going to be the best or the worst decision that Kurt has ever made. He's not sure which, just yet.
16.* War of the Words a-rainy-monday.livejournal.com/89475.html Курт и Блейн воюют в своих бложиках на тему книжек. Очаровательно)
17. Тот же автор. a-rainy-monday.livejournal.com/16043.html Once In A Lullaby. Я ее до сих пор не дочитала. Сказка о том, как, направляясь шпионить в Далтон, Курт попадает в параллельный мир, в котором находятся все люди и вещи, потерянные в нашем мире. Назад дороги нет, придется ассимилироваться. Смириться с тем, что никогда больше не увидишь семью; найти новую. Много новых персонажей, что для меня всегда тяжело. Ну и в принципе с одной стороны интересно, с другой часто очень грустно.
18.* Forget Me Not scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=26 Five years down the road, Kurt & Blaine run into each other after a painful breakup and no communication since. Can they start again or is it really too late?
19.* underneath and unexplored icedwhitemochas.livejournal.com/745.html Блейн переводится в МакКинли, КиБ считают себя straight. Перекавай, флафф, совершенно очаровательно автор обходится с каноном.
20. THE DAPPER HIGHWAYMAN goddamnwrite.livejournal.com/2464.html + сиквел The Lima Job Heading back from college for the summer, Kurt decides to pick up a hitchhiker. And gets a lot more than a travelling companion
21. Always Here In The Silence the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/post/12184555794/porn... Nerd!Blaine/Badass!Kurt AU // ботаник Блейн переводится с МакКинли и напарывается на плохого-мальчика Курта, который спасается от bullying посредством того, что делает handjobs всем крутым парням школы. Тот же автор, что у фика Muse, она классно пишет.
19.* underneath and unexplored icedwhitemochas.livejournal.com/745.html Блейн переводится в МакКинли, КиБ считают себя straight. Перекавай, флафф, совершенно очаровательно автор обходится с каноном.
20. THE DAPPER HIGHWAYMAN goddamnwrite.livejournal.com/2464.html + сиквел The Lima Job Heading back from college for the summer, Kurt decides to pick up a hitchhiker. And gets a lot more than a travelling companion
21. Always Here In The Silence the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/post/12184555794/porn... Nerd!Blaine/Badass!Kurt AU // ботаник Блейн переводится с МакКинли и напарывается на плохого-мальчика Курта, который спасается от bullying посредством того, что делает handjobs всем крутым парням школы. Тот же автор, что у фика Muse, она классно пишет.
22. Blackbird www.fanfiction.net/s/7571052/1/Blackbird another Badboy!Kurt
23. I'm Not Gonna Teach Him How to Dance With You www.fanfiction.net/s/6992318/1/Im_Not_Gonna_Tea... стандартный вариант: взрослые КиБ друзья, Курт собирается замуж, Блейна наконец-то осенило, что надо что-то сделать, иначе будет поздно.
24. icedintheveins.livejournal.com/8124.html to live in the shadow \\ Blaine Anderson is an A-list movie star, struggling to get through the chaos of his life. He’s been caught stumbling drunk from countless bars, barely escaped a charge of drug possession, and is now on his way to losing everything. But a huge contract for a highly anticipated movie could turn his life around and help him get back on track. However, when he hires a new personal stylist by the name of Kurt Hummel, he finds it even more difficult to concentrate on recovery. Kurt gets under his skin, irritating him immensely. But as he tries everything to get rid of Kurt, he finds himself growing closer to this man than he ever thought he would.
25.* archiveofourown.org/series/15493 Fey!Verse || АУ, future fic, Magic in New-York
26. archiveofourown.org/works/267040?view_full_work... Temptations Mate // Kurt Hummel has inherited magical powers, powers that have drawn the attention of the lethal and lecherous Blaine Anderson, Marquess of Wiltshire, London's most powerful vampire. But Kurt's powers aren't the only thing Blaine desires. He wants the stubborn beauty in his bed-and despite Kurt's protests to the contrary, he has every intention of getting what he wants.
27. www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2359... Floorshow by neaf \\ Summary: Rocky Horror Audience Participation AU, Blaine is a law student, forced into a strict life by his father, but he misses performing. A chance meeting spurs his old desires, and he finds himself joining the cast of the local RHPS AP, where he meets the enigmatic Frank, and starts to remember who he used to be. But Frank is much, much more than he seems. \\ Также Once Upon... www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2710... Summary: Klaine Enchanted AU: Kurt Hummel loves New York, loves his job and his life in the city, but while everybody around him is lost in the fairytale of love, Kurt’s alone. That is, until the night the world drops an actual fairytale right in his lap.
23. I'm Not Gonna Teach Him How to Dance With You www.fanfiction.net/s/6992318/1/Im_Not_Gonna_Tea... стандартный вариант: взрослые КиБ друзья, Курт собирается замуж, Блейна наконец-то осенило, что надо что-то сделать, иначе будет поздно.
24. icedintheveins.livejournal.com/8124.html to live in the shadow \\ Blaine Anderson is an A-list movie star, struggling to get through the chaos of his life. He’s been caught stumbling drunk from countless bars, barely escaped a charge of drug possession, and is now on his way to losing everything. But a huge contract for a highly anticipated movie could turn his life around and help him get back on track. However, when he hires a new personal stylist by the name of Kurt Hummel, he finds it even more difficult to concentrate on recovery. Kurt gets under his skin, irritating him immensely. But as he tries everything to get rid of Kurt, he finds himself growing closer to this man than he ever thought he would.
25.* archiveofourown.org/series/15493 Fey!Verse || АУ, future fic, Magic in New-York
26. archiveofourown.org/works/267040?view_full_work... Temptations Mate // Kurt Hummel has inherited magical powers, powers that have drawn the attention of the lethal and lecherous Blaine Anderson, Marquess of Wiltshire, London's most powerful vampire. But Kurt's powers aren't the only thing Blaine desires. He wants the stubborn beauty in his bed-and despite Kurt's protests to the contrary, he has every intention of getting what he wants.
27. www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2359... Floorshow by neaf \\ Summary: Rocky Horror Audience Participation AU, Blaine is a law student, forced into a strict life by his father, but he misses performing. A chance meeting spurs his old desires, and he finds himself joining the cast of the local RHPS AP, where he meets the enigmatic Frank, and starts to remember who he used to be. But Frank is much, much more than he seems. \\ Также Once Upon... www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2710... Summary: Klaine Enchanted AU: Kurt Hummel loves New York, loves his job and his life in the city, but while everybody around him is lost in the fairytale of love, Kurt’s alone. That is, until the night the world drops an actual fairytale right in his lap.
28. *www.fanfiction.net/s/7356091/1/Shine SHINE || Фик основан на "Звездной пыли" Геймана. Все прекрасно.
29.* triddlegrl.livejournal.com/13564.html#cutid1 Pretty Woman // А этот основан на "Тайном дневнике девушки по вызову". Курт работает в эскорте, Блейн - его друг. Фик безумно длинный, я сейчас только-только перевалила за половину. Очень качественно прописан.
29.* triddlegrl.livejournal.com/13564.html#cutid1 Pretty Woman // А этот основан на "Тайном дневнике девушки по вызову". Курт работает в эскорте, Блейн - его друг. Фик безумно длинный, я сейчас только-только перевалила за половину. Очень качественно прописан.
30. glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... Husbandly Duties \\ Все просто. Arranged marriage AU, Kurt is afraid of sex, Blaine is patient and sweet and HNNNNG...
31. flyblckbirdfly.livejournal.com/?tag=this%20side... This Side \\ Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college. // just some really adorable sex and mid-thrust realisations... just what I need after watching spoilers for season 4.
32. klaineficspdfs.tumblr.com/post/24630035379 Significant Others \\ Summary: Five years after a nasty college break up, Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are leading very different lives than they expected. Kurt is a successful assistant fashion designer, engaged, and a father-to-be. Blaine is struggling with a failed college career, depression, and drug addiction, ultimately alone. What brought them to those points in their lives, and what happens when they meet one another again?
33. a-rainy-monday.livejournal.com/tag/story:%20bel... Beltane \\ Series Summary: An erotic urban fantasy series set in a world where the Faerie Queen opened the barrier between the worlds, thus proving pagan religions to be true and allowing magic back into the human realm. Told in parts based on modernized Celtic fire festivals.
Story Summary: On Beltane of their twenty-first year, virgins attend the bonfire festival and meet a stranger by the fire who will teach them of sexual love. Sometimes, a virgin and a stranger find their connection is stronger than either expected and rules are broken. Sometimes, tradition is abandoned for love. Kurt is the virgin; Blaine is the stranger. \\ + сиквел
34.* tiriathurin.dreamwidth.org/3343.html Title: A Parade of Paper Faces \\ Kurt is a Broadway actor just starting to make a name for himself. He’s recently landed a supporting role in his first movie, an action drama starring none other than uber-famous pop singer turned TV actor turned movie star Blaine Anderson…
35. www.fanfiction.net/s/8356017/1/I_Can_Be_Dangero... I Can Be Dangerous \\ Когда американские подростки сдают выпускные экзамены, они и не подозревают, какие именно тесты в них заложены. Если ты его прошел, пути назад нет, тебя забирают в секретную организацию на другом континенте и обучают профессии... Секретного агента, муахаха. + сиквел в процессе.
36. www.fanfiction.net/s/7455151/1/Until_My_Dying_B... Until My Dying Breath \\ Vampire!Kurt, причем весьма дарк. \\ On his way home from campus, Blaine Anderson comes across a beautiful young man with bewitching blue eyes. It doesn't take long for everything Blaine thought was real to fall to pieces. For his world to dissolve into fear and heat and blood. \\ Там действительно полно крови, т.к. вампир-Курт совершенно плюет на жизнь людей, что в конце фика вполне объясняется.
37. judearaya.livejournal.com/ OSU!Verse \\ Студенческий фик, когда КиБ учатся в Ohio State. На лестнице в Далтоне Блейн встретился с неким Раяном, который стал его первым молодым человеком, по сути у Блейна комплекс жертвы жесточайший; тогда как Курт гуляет и считает что он уже шлюха и его никто не полюбит. Очень красиво написано.
38.* stoney321.livejournal.com/552215.html The Bones of You \\ Summary It's been over 5 years since Kurt and Blaine broke up after Blaine's graduation from McKinley. Blaine is working on his M.Phil (masters) in Cambridge, UK, when a well-meaning friend sends him a link to a video. And everything in his life changes.
39. wordplayitout.livejournal.com/25850.html Not The Boy Next Door \\ Очень красивый фик про бармена-Блейна и емнип журналиста/художника Курта, сопровождаемый массой великолепных рисунков. // хотя я могу ошибаться и путать фики, но арт там крутой!
40. stut-ter.livejournal.com/18970.html Saranghae \\ Summary: Kurt and Blaine are college students about to enter their senior years in different schools. They have never met. Through a twist of fate they both apply for and win the same scholarship to tour South Korea in the summer of 2012 and are assigned as roommates for the five-week trip.
41. notallargon.livejournal.com/1455.html mechanism \\ Street-racing AU![;)](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1136.gif)
42. glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/10780.html?threa... Family Portrait \\ AU, в которой Берт женится на матери Блейна, соответственно, псевдо-инцест >=D
43. dreams-and-oj.livejournal.com/35362.html title: play my soul \\ rating: nc-17 what else \\ summary: Music is Blaine's great love, but when Cooper takes him to see famous pianist Kurt's concert for his birthday, he gets more than he ever bargained for.
44. dreaming-kate.livejournal.com/17555.html#cutid1 When the Stars Have All Gone Out // Summary: Star Wars/Glee. Kurt had dedicated his life to upholding the Jedi Code and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Blaine has spent his life in the darkness of the Sith. Something even stronger than the Force brings them together.
45. www.fanfiction.net/s/7543477/1/Just-For-the-Nig... Just For the Night \\ Kurt Hummel is living alone in NYC, trying to balance schoolwork and a very minor role on Broadway. After a night of heavy drinking, he invites a stranger to spend the night in his apartment. Little does he know, his life will never be the same. AU Klaine
46. knightlycat.livejournal.com/tag/fic%3A%20not%20... Not Like the Movies // Summary: When new Hollywood golden boy Kurt Hummel receives some disturbing letters his manager hires bodyguard Blaine Anderson to be with him 24 hours a day. In an attempt to hide Blaine's true identity from the press they decide he needs to go undercover...as Kurt's boyfriend. Nevermet!AU
47. www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=5465... Hot Under My Skin // For centuries, witches and their guardians have worked as a team to protect humanity from demons. But a curse has broken the bond, and now the guardians are the hunters, driven by a terrible compulsion to hunt and kill what they once were sworn to protect. And the price for killing a witch is their soul. Kurt Hummel doesn't know anything about magic. But he is about to discover something about himself. For not only is he a witch, he is the key to breaking the curse. Blaine Anderson is the leader of the group known as The Warblers, mighty hunters known for their bird tattoos and who have sworn to never shed the blood of earth witches. But when his sister is cursed by a demon witch, Blaine must find an earth witch to save her. Kurt can help...if he can learn to master the powerful magic that is his birthright. And Blaine has to control the compulsion to either kill Kurt and absorb his blood...or possess him for his own.
48. glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/34234.html?threa... Carry Your Shame // adiwriting.tumblr.com/post/30865465793/fic-carr... // 9k/25 // Summary: Kurt doesn’t think the Blaine Anderson will ever notice him, so he’s not in the least bit prepared for what happens when he does.
49. www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=4386... Kingdom Come // Glee/Avengers crossover
50. dont-be-fancy.livejournal.com/10298.html Candyman \\ Blaine walks into a bar where Kurt works. Very beautiful smut. Summary: Blaine Anderson's life is not what he envisioned. Enter Kurt Hummel - a man whose life is all he ever wanted and only wishes the same for the sad-eyed, sexy man whose cigarette wouldn't light.
51. a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/2012/10/13/ Clue AU. Murder mistery.
52. archiveofourown.org/works/441536 Senator!Blaine
53. * a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/43735.html This Earthly Paradise \\ Summary: In Victorian England, Kurt Hummel is a struggling artist and contemporary of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an organization of painters, poets, and critics who strive to turn the art establishment of England on its very head. His mentor, one Dante Gabriel Rossetti, has grown tired of Kurt's reluctance to grow as an artist, and so enter Blaine Anderson, an artists' model of Bohemian disposition and eye-catching good looks. Can he, using rather unorthodox methods, succeed where Rossetti has not?
54. * glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/36785.html?threa... You Last A Lifetime 10c/ \\ Klaine sci-fi, Блейн является человеком, который каждый день просыпается в новом теле. \\ Every day Blaine wakes up in a new body.
55. * flaming-muse.livejournal.com/413148.html Near Misses \\ college fic. quite awesome.
56. * www.fanfiction.net/s/7543477/1/Just-For-the-Nig... Just For the Night \\ Kurt Hummel is living alone in NYC, trying to balance schoolwork and a very minor role on Broadway. After a night of heavy drinking, he invites a stranger to spend the night in his apartment. Little does he know, his life will never be the same. AU Klaine
57. * knightlycat.livejournal.com/tag/fic%3A%20not%20... Not Like the Movies // Summary: When new Hollywood golden boy Kurt Hummel receives some disturbing letters his manager hires bodyguard Blaine Anderson to be with him 24 hours a day. In an attempt to hide Blaine's true identity from the press they decide he needs to go undercover...as Kurt's boyfriend. Nevermet!AU
58. * rightonthelimit.livejournal.com/48894.html Beauty from pain // Summary: Because Kurt gets bullied all the time, he winds up falling into a depression and starts hurting himself. When his dad finds out he makes Kurt see a therapist named Blaine Anderson. Will he be able to save Kurt from himself?
Warnings: Angst, fluff, self-harming, AU, masturbation, could be triggering.
59. WIP www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=4888... The Blue Crest // "The Dalton D is red, but if the crest was blue, one might think twice, of what the place will do to you." After transferring to Dalton and settling in, Kurt starts to notice how some students are wearing a blue crest on their uniform instead of a red one. What does it mean? Why are those students acting strangely? And what is the big secret that everyone at Dalton are trying to hide?
60. WIP www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=6816... Wolves Among Us // Kurt was always the low man on the totem poll and he'd pretty much gotten use to it. But he never let it bring him down. He always held his head high because he knew... one day... that would all change. +He would be somebody. And all the people who'd tried to tear him down in his life would regret their actions one day... one day. That time seems to come one unhappy night when Kurt makes a bad decision and ends up in a dark alleyway with five nasty looking individuals. It seems fate is watching over him, however, when he's saved by some dark unseen creature... or perhaps saved isn't the right word? Not when the same creature decides to take a bite of his shoulder. And what's with this sudden edginess he's feeling lately? The need to just... hit something... or someone. The feeling like he's going to burst if he doesn't 'DO something'. The need to make people realize that he is not to be pushed around... and the strength? What is happening to him? Werewolf!Kurt, Werewolf!Blaine, Domish!Kurt, Subbish!Blaine
61. WIP www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=3341... The Proper Way To... // The first time I met Kurt Hummel I realized something. Everyone lies, but not everyone does it because they choose to. (Klaine with superpowers)
62. * lurkdusoleil.tumblr.com/post/35905846827/within... Within // Summary: It’s been seven years since Blaine became Prince, and in that time he’s hidden away from the world. Only Kurt, the son of a merchant, can draw him out before it’s too late. Klaine Beauty and the Beast AU.
Любимые авторы:
- cimmerians http://cimmerians.livejournal.com/ & http://the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/
- www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=5766 Pump it! \\ Summary: Kurt is working in a gas station. Blaine is one of the construction workers building an extension on the shop. Hilarity ensues.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6742422/7/At_First_Sight At First Sight Do you believe in love at first sight? That was a question the Blaine Anderson was not prepared to answer...especially on his wedding day. He meets a certain special someone that turns his world inside out. Slight AU Future Fic.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8058056/23/Savior_of_Light Savior of Light \\ Kurt Hummel, an ordinary boy from Ohio, is given the opportunity of a lifetime when he is chosen to star opposite Blaine Anderson, a famous teenage actor in an up and coming Hollywood blockbuster.
- preciousmellow.livejournal.com/16935.html Fic: Slow Dancing \\ Summary: Hi, my name is Kurt Hummel and I’m so, so scared.
A hate crime leaves Blaine damaged and Kurt refuses to let it bring them down.
- goddamnwrite.livejournal.com/tag/the%20outlaw The Outlaw Blaine Anderson by mothergoddamn \\ Summary: Kurt Hummel, lonely shop-keep filled with dreams of escape, meets a stranger in the midst of the Wild West. And then gets taken on an adventure - whether he likes it or not.
- stut-ter.livejournal.com/9921.html#cutid1 Enzymes \\ prostitute!kurt
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... King Of All Wild Things - Klaine fantasy AU \\ давно не обновлявшийся WIP, но очень крутой. Курт из-за своей ориентации подвергся остракизму, он покидает родной город и уходит за Стену, где располагаются только джунгли и живут лишь дикари...
- dareu2beme.livejournal.com/50162.html The Lonely Warbler \\ Summary: At the beginning of Kurt’s senior year at McKinley High, he skips class to avoid a bully and ends up meeting the most interesting boy he’s ever laid eyes on.
- * a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/43735.html This Earthly Paradise \\ Summary: In Victorian England, Kurt Hummel is a struggling artist and contemporary of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an organization of painters, poets, and critics who strive to turn the art establishment of England on its very head. His mentor, one Dante Gabriel Rossetti, has grown tired of Kurt's reluctance to grow as an artist, and so enter Blaine Anderson, an artists' model of Bohemian disposition and eye-catching good looks. Can he, using rather unorthodox methods, succeed where Rossetti has not?
- * glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/36785.html?threa... You Last A Lifetime 10c/ \\ Klaine sci-fi, Блейн является человеком, который каждый день просыпается в новом теле.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7933931/1/ No Curtain Call \\ Blaine Anderson is a notorious thief that got caught after stealing 100 million dollars worth of uncut diamonds. This is his story. Klaine diamond heist AU. Has a happy ending.
- scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=6479&cha... Pharaoh Pharaoh, Whoa Baby \\ Summary: After the passing of his father, Pharaoh Kurt Hummel has taken over Egypt with his second in command, Finn. He is revered among the land for his god-like good looks, and is betrothed to the equally beautiful Quinn Fabray. Kurt has never been a fan of enslaving the Jews, but knows that it is the norm, and as Pharoah, if he were to try and change it, there would be an uprising. But what happens when a new shipment arrives, and the boy with the striking hazel eyes looks up at him? He isn’t broken like all the others.
* - inkystars.tumblr.com/post/33978069551/the-boy-w... the-boy-with-the-unicorn-tattoo \\ pretty much speaks for itself.
* - www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=3341... The Proper Way to... // Another supernatural/superpowers!Klaine. Lovely writing, cynical!Blaine's POV.
- archiveofourown.org/series/18259 Special Series \\ Being a part of something special makes you special. (Also, having superpowers.) \\ Я так понимаю, тут и Курт/Блейн, и Курт/Пак, так что...
- lovely-sparkle.livejournal.com/15113.html Title: It Must Be Love \\ Warnings: language, homophobic comments/slurs, underage drinking, awkward teenage sexytimes, attack of the 80s references
Summary: It's 1987, and Blaine just wants to fit in with the cool kids at school. So he wears trendy clothes even though they aren't his style, saves his singing and dancing for his bedroom, and keeps his sexuality a secret by dating a popular cheerleader. But everything changes when teen sensation Kurt Hummel, lead singer of the latest New Wave craze Social Heap, enters his world. And little does Kurt know that his world is about to be turned upside-down, too.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7586301/1/Hurricane Hurricane \\ Two years after Kurt and Blaine's divorce, Kurt finally wins custody of their daughter. A week later, Blaine attempts suicide. He has nowhere else to go, so Kurt volunteers to take him in, believing that he can help Blaine.
- oh-woffie.tumblr.com/post/30065824767/fic-it-st... It Started With A Phone Call \\ Summary: While working at the garage one afternoon, Kurt Hummel received a phone call from a very flustered young man by the name of Blaine Anderson.
- a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/?skip=20&tag=sto... Nothing's So Loud \\ По фильму "Скажи что-нибудь" \\ Summary: Blaine Anderson is the easy going skateboarding slacker who's carried a torch for sheltered class Valedictorian Kurt Hummel for the last year. On the day they graduate from high school, he decides to do something about it. There's no way they should work. Everything will conspire against them. Can this unlikely pairing prevail?
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7628435/1/The_danger_insid... + sequel The danger inside of you \\ In his college freshman year, Kurt manages to convince Blaine to give up their game of WHMS, and it seems their life together can finally start. But a drunk night out leads to a rush to the hospital, and a confession Blaine should have made much earlier.
- iconicklaine.tumblr.com/post/31055613024/any-ot... Any Other Man \\ Fashion Designers ! Klaine
- anxioussquirrel.livejournal.com/?skip=10&tag=wi... With You, I Can Breathe Summary: Pre-Klaine. Blaine gets sexually assaulted. Burt is the one to pick up the pieces. The Hummel-Hudson household is the safe haven. My spin on the old prompt. + sequel
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7432300/1/Once_in_a_Blue_M...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6995073/1/ Ersatz \\ Kurt is a waiter dreaming of high society living. Blaine is a wealthy music producer on a talent search. Starting with a designer suit acquired through questionable means, Kurt spins a web of lies to masquerade as someone worthy of Blaine's attention.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7275486/1/ Stop Loss \\ AU. Kurt Hummel never went to McKinley, developing his talents at Carmel as the protégé of Jesse St James instead. Everything is going according to plan, until the day a beautiful, damaged transfer student named Blaine throws his world upside down.
Также добавлю несколько отличных работ по пэрингу Курт/Себастьян. \\ MOSTLY WIP
1.* cacophonylights.livejournal.com/tag/acitw A Change in the Weather \\ Пока что мой любимый фик в принципе. Летом перед тем, как Курт отчаливает в НЙ (поступив в НИАДА), Блейн едет на какие-то крутые курсы в СФ и решает поставить отношения на паузу. Сразу после отъезда Б. на Курта сваливается 2 новости. а) его запрос на бесплатное обучение отклонён и он должен найти 10к за лето, б) в этот же момент к нему подваливает С. с предложением прикидываться его bf на лето, потому что его родителей достало его разнузданное поведение... \\ Да, может, сама идея кажется странной, но сам фик написан просто невероятно... Автор видит героев точно так же, как и я. Очень остроумно и точно в плане описания эмоций. У Себастьяна крутая семья)
У нее же Smut BREATHE ME.
2. It's A Dalton Tradition. Курт переводится в Далтон и узнает о прекрасной традиции fagging (вот теперь и вы узнаете, откуда пошло это понятие). melblue.livejournal.com/
3. Don't Your Remember? wikifics.wikispaces.com/Don't+You+Remember+(Kurtbastian) Очередная амнезия. Курт и Себастьян женаты 2 года, вместе 7 лет, авария, потеря памяти, Курту 18, он все еще влюблен в Блейна и ненавидит Себастьяна.
4. As Your Shadow Crosses Mine. angelofcaffeine.livejournal.com/34224.html После болезненного для самооценки расставания с Блейном Курт подружился с Себастьяном. Последний влюбился моментально, первый же загоняется примерно так, как это делаю я в отношениях. Ня.
5. www.fanfiction.net/s/8247487/1/Barista-Confessi... Barista Confessions // Unsure of his future following graduation, Kurt finds the status quo impossible to maintain. And when Sebastian Smythe comes crashing back into his life, it gets even more complicated.
6. www.fanfiction.net/s/8223727/1/Make-My-Heart-St... Make My Heart Start Beating // AU - Set five years after Season Three, Kurt never left Lima, he never followed his dreams or got his prince. Some angst, some man on man, way too romantic over the top plot, some OOC-ness for plot reasons .
- chambergambit.tumblr.com/tagged/sosn Fic: Something Old Someone New || arranged marriage, blaine is married to santana
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8108140/10/Of_Wine_And_Cof... Of_Wine_And_Coffee // Sebastian's parents die in a car crash, Blaine's broken up with Kurt, Kurt suggests that Seb lives with his family.
- vampire!sebastian For You gummybears231.livejournal.com/25622.html
31. flyblckbirdfly.livejournal.com/?tag=this%20side... This Side \\ Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college. // just some really adorable sex and mid-thrust realisations... just what I need after watching spoilers for season 4.
32. klaineficspdfs.tumblr.com/post/24630035379 Significant Others \\ Summary: Five years after a nasty college break up, Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are leading very different lives than they expected. Kurt is a successful assistant fashion designer, engaged, and a father-to-be. Blaine is struggling with a failed college career, depression, and drug addiction, ultimately alone. What brought them to those points in their lives, and what happens when they meet one another again?
33. a-rainy-monday.livejournal.com/tag/story:%20bel... Beltane \\ Series Summary: An erotic urban fantasy series set in a world where the Faerie Queen opened the barrier between the worlds, thus proving pagan religions to be true and allowing magic back into the human realm. Told in parts based on modernized Celtic fire festivals.
Story Summary: On Beltane of their twenty-first year, virgins attend the bonfire festival and meet a stranger by the fire who will teach them of sexual love. Sometimes, a virgin and a stranger find their connection is stronger than either expected and rules are broken. Sometimes, tradition is abandoned for love. Kurt is the virgin; Blaine is the stranger. \\ + сиквел
34.* tiriathurin.dreamwidth.org/3343.html Title: A Parade of Paper Faces \\ Kurt is a Broadway actor just starting to make a name for himself. He’s recently landed a supporting role in his first movie, an action drama starring none other than uber-famous pop singer turned TV actor turned movie star Blaine Anderson…
35. www.fanfiction.net/s/8356017/1/I_Can_Be_Dangero... I Can Be Dangerous \\ Когда американские подростки сдают выпускные экзамены, они и не подозревают, какие именно тесты в них заложены. Если ты его прошел, пути назад нет, тебя забирают в секретную организацию на другом континенте и обучают профессии... Секретного агента, муахаха. + сиквел в процессе.
36. www.fanfiction.net/s/7455151/1/Until_My_Dying_B... Until My Dying Breath \\ Vampire!Kurt, причем весьма дарк. \\ On his way home from campus, Blaine Anderson comes across a beautiful young man with bewitching blue eyes. It doesn't take long for everything Blaine thought was real to fall to pieces. For his world to dissolve into fear and heat and blood. \\ Там действительно полно крови, т.к. вампир-Курт совершенно плюет на жизнь людей, что в конце фика вполне объясняется.
37. judearaya.livejournal.com/ OSU!Verse \\ Студенческий фик, когда КиБ учатся в Ohio State. На лестнице в Далтоне Блейн встретился с неким Раяном, который стал его первым молодым человеком, по сути у Блейна комплекс жертвы жесточайший; тогда как Курт гуляет и считает что он уже шлюха и его никто не полюбит. Очень красиво написано.
38.* stoney321.livejournal.com/552215.html The Bones of You \\ Summary It's been over 5 years since Kurt and Blaine broke up after Blaine's graduation from McKinley. Blaine is working on his M.Phil (masters) in Cambridge, UK, when a well-meaning friend sends him a link to a video. And everything in his life changes.
39. wordplayitout.livejournal.com/25850.html Not The Boy Next Door \\ Очень красивый фик про бармена-Блейна и емнип журналиста/художника Курта, сопровождаемый массой великолепных рисунков. // хотя я могу ошибаться и путать фики, но арт там крутой!
40. stut-ter.livejournal.com/18970.html Saranghae \\ Summary: Kurt and Blaine are college students about to enter their senior years in different schools. They have never met. Through a twist of fate they both apply for and win the same scholarship to tour South Korea in the summer of 2012 and are assigned as roommates for the five-week trip.
41. notallargon.livejournal.com/1455.html mechanism \\ Street-racing AU
42. glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/10780.html?threa... Family Portrait \\ AU, в которой Берт женится на матери Блейна, соответственно, псевдо-инцест >=D
43. dreams-and-oj.livejournal.com/35362.html title: play my soul \\ rating: nc-17 what else \\ summary: Music is Blaine's great love, but when Cooper takes him to see famous pianist Kurt's concert for his birthday, he gets more than he ever bargained for.
44. dreaming-kate.livejournal.com/17555.html#cutid1 When the Stars Have All Gone Out // Summary: Star Wars/Glee. Kurt had dedicated his life to upholding the Jedi Code and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Blaine has spent his life in the darkness of the Sith. Something even stronger than the Force brings them together.
45. www.fanfiction.net/s/7543477/1/Just-For-the-Nig... Just For the Night \\ Kurt Hummel is living alone in NYC, trying to balance schoolwork and a very minor role on Broadway. After a night of heavy drinking, he invites a stranger to spend the night in his apartment. Little does he know, his life will never be the same. AU Klaine
46. knightlycat.livejournal.com/tag/fic%3A%20not%20... Not Like the Movies // Summary: When new Hollywood golden boy Kurt Hummel receives some disturbing letters his manager hires bodyguard Blaine Anderson to be with him 24 hours a day. In an attempt to hide Blaine's true identity from the press they decide he needs to go undercover...as Kurt's boyfriend. Nevermet!AU
47. www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=5465... Hot Under My Skin // For centuries, witches and their guardians have worked as a team to protect humanity from demons. But a curse has broken the bond, and now the guardians are the hunters, driven by a terrible compulsion to hunt and kill what they once were sworn to protect. And the price for killing a witch is their soul. Kurt Hummel doesn't know anything about magic. But he is about to discover something about himself. For not only is he a witch, he is the key to breaking the curse. Blaine Anderson is the leader of the group known as The Warblers, mighty hunters known for their bird tattoos and who have sworn to never shed the blood of earth witches. But when his sister is cursed by a demon witch, Blaine must find an earth witch to save her. Kurt can help...if he can learn to master the powerful magic that is his birthright. And Blaine has to control the compulsion to either kill Kurt and absorb his blood...or possess him for his own.
48. glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/34234.html?threa... Carry Your Shame // adiwriting.tumblr.com/post/30865465793/fic-carr... // 9k/25 // Summary: Kurt doesn’t think the Blaine Anderson will ever notice him, so he’s not in the least bit prepared for what happens when he does.
49. www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=4386... Kingdom Come // Glee/Avengers crossover
50. dont-be-fancy.livejournal.com/10298.html Candyman \\ Blaine walks into a bar where Kurt works. Very beautiful smut. Summary: Blaine Anderson's life is not what he envisioned. Enter Kurt Hummel - a man whose life is all he ever wanted and only wishes the same for the sad-eyed, sexy man whose cigarette wouldn't light.
51. a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/2012/10/13/ Clue AU. Murder mistery.
52. archiveofourown.org/works/441536 Senator!Blaine
53. * a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/43735.html This Earthly Paradise \\ Summary: In Victorian England, Kurt Hummel is a struggling artist and contemporary of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an organization of painters, poets, and critics who strive to turn the art establishment of England on its very head. His mentor, one Dante Gabriel Rossetti, has grown tired of Kurt's reluctance to grow as an artist, and so enter Blaine Anderson, an artists' model of Bohemian disposition and eye-catching good looks. Can he, using rather unorthodox methods, succeed where Rossetti has not?
54. * glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/36785.html?threa... You Last A Lifetime 10c/ \\ Klaine sci-fi, Блейн является человеком, который каждый день просыпается в новом теле. \\ Every day Blaine wakes up in a new body.
55. * flaming-muse.livejournal.com/413148.html Near Misses \\ college fic. quite awesome.
56. * www.fanfiction.net/s/7543477/1/Just-For-the-Nig... Just For the Night \\ Kurt Hummel is living alone in NYC, trying to balance schoolwork and a very minor role on Broadway. After a night of heavy drinking, he invites a stranger to spend the night in his apartment. Little does he know, his life will never be the same. AU Klaine
57. * knightlycat.livejournal.com/tag/fic%3A%20not%20... Not Like the Movies // Summary: When new Hollywood golden boy Kurt Hummel receives some disturbing letters his manager hires bodyguard Blaine Anderson to be with him 24 hours a day. In an attempt to hide Blaine's true identity from the press they decide he needs to go undercover...as Kurt's boyfriend. Nevermet!AU
58. * rightonthelimit.livejournal.com/48894.html Beauty from pain // Summary: Because Kurt gets bullied all the time, he winds up falling into a depression and starts hurting himself. When his dad finds out he makes Kurt see a therapist named Blaine Anderson. Will he be able to save Kurt from himself?
Warnings: Angst, fluff, self-harming, AU, masturbation, could be triggering.
59. WIP www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=4888... The Blue Crest // "The Dalton D is red, but if the crest was blue, one might think twice, of what the place will do to you." After transferring to Dalton and settling in, Kurt starts to notice how some students are wearing a blue crest on their uniform instead of a red one. What does it mean? Why are those students acting strangely? And what is the big secret that everyone at Dalton are trying to hide?
60. WIP www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=6816... Wolves Among Us // Kurt was always the low man on the totem poll and he'd pretty much gotten use to it. But he never let it bring him down. He always held his head high because he knew... one day... that would all change. +He would be somebody. And all the people who'd tried to tear him down in his life would regret their actions one day... one day. That time seems to come one unhappy night when Kurt makes a bad decision and ends up in a dark alleyway with five nasty looking individuals. It seems fate is watching over him, however, when he's saved by some dark unseen creature... or perhaps saved isn't the right word? Not when the same creature decides to take a bite of his shoulder. And what's with this sudden edginess he's feeling lately? The need to just... hit something... or someone. The feeling like he's going to burst if he doesn't 'DO something'. The need to make people realize that he is not to be pushed around... and the strength? What is happening to him? Werewolf!Kurt, Werewolf!Blaine, Domish!Kurt, Subbish!Blaine
61. WIP www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=3341... The Proper Way To... // The first time I met Kurt Hummel I realized something. Everyone lies, but not everyone does it because they choose to. (Klaine with superpowers)
62. * lurkdusoleil.tumblr.com/post/35905846827/within... Within // Summary: It’s been seven years since Blaine became Prince, and in that time he’s hidden away from the world. Only Kurt, the son of a merchant, can draw him out before it’s too late. Klaine Beauty and the Beast AU.
Любимые авторы:
- cimmerians http://cimmerians.livejournal.com/ & http://the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/
- admiller http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2832384/
- zavocado http://www.fanfiction.net/u/689150/
- beautifulwhatsyourhurry http://beautifulwhatsyourhurry.tumblr.com/
- cacophonylights (kurt/seb, seklaine) http://cacophonylights.livejournal.com/
- anxioussquirrel
anxioussquirrel.livejournal.com - mothergoddamn
artist-artists.tumblr.com/post/23973856912/mast... - klaine & kurtbastian
a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/ - klaine & kurtbastian
stut-ter.livejournal.com/ - klaine & kurtbastian
newspringrain.tumblr.com/MyStories - Kurtbastian
artist-artists.tumblr.com/post/23973856912/mast... - klaine & kurtbastian
a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/ - klaine & kurtbastian
stut-ter.livejournal.com/ - klaine & kurtbastian
newspringrain.tumblr.com/MyStories - Kurtbastian
- Bend My Body (Bend It Your Way) www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2143 Sebastian is bored. And when he's bored he makes bets. He gives Blaine Anderson the school year to make Kurt Hummel fall in love with him. And if Blaine does, then he gets what he's always wanted. Badboy!Blaine Cheerio!Kurt ||| 7 chapters
- dark!Batman!Blaine - Catwoman!Kurt - non-con, bondage/spanking glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/26585.html?threa... ||| 9 chapters
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/19682.html?threa... Worthless/Priceless || slave!blaine || 79 chapters
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... Noble || Kurt/Blaine historical. Kidnapping, attempted rape (other), courtship, sweet!sex Fill 62/?
- Bend My Body (Bend It Your Way) www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2143 Sebastian is bored. And when he's bored he makes bets. He gives Blaine Anderson the school year to make Kurt Hummel fall in love with him. And if Blaine does, then he gets what he's always wanted. Badboy!Blaine Cheerio!Kurt ||| 7 chapters
- dark!Batman!Blaine - Catwoman!Kurt - non-con, bondage/spanking glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/26585.html?threa... ||| 9 chapters
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/19682.html?threa... Worthless/Priceless || slave!blaine || 79 chapters
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... Noble || Kurt/Blaine historical. Kidnapping, attempted rape (other), courtship, sweet!sex Fill 62/?
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... Give in to Me (10I/?): Klaine, d/s (dom!Kurt, sub!Blaine), secret relationship
- * www.fanfiction.net/s/8031182/1/ A Warm Place // Это мой первый фик про персонажей, превращенных в животных. Он подозрительно редко обновляется. Курт является гибридом человека и кошки, его подбирает ветеринар Купер (брат Блейна, если вдруг кто не знает). Сам Б. в фике еще не появился. Когда Курт замурчал, я поняла, что меня покорили.
- * www.fanfiction.net/s/8031182/1/ A Warm Place // Это мой первый фик про персонажей, превращенных в животных. Он подозрительно редко обновляется. Курт является гибридом человека и кошки, его подбирает ветеринар Купер (брат Блейна, если вдруг кто не знает). Сам Б. в фике еще не появился. Когда Курт замурчал, я поняла, что меня покорили.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/28110.html?threa... FILL: It's Not Babysitting \\ Re: Klaine, AU, age gap, underage, virgin!Blaine \\ лавли лавли лавли \\ 64 chapterз
- * flaming-muse.livejournal.com/413148.html Near Misses \\ Я крайне редко почему-то читаю фики про жизнь в колледже. В принципе в этой истории ничего особенного, но Курт тут, как положено, учится на performance arts и там очень много написано про то, что он создан для этого, все очень прочувствовано и мне очень нравится. Ввиду того, что я совершенно не выношу курта-дизайнера, в отличие от 99% фандома походу...
- beautifulwhatsyourhurry.tumblr.com/tagged/heart... FIC: HEARTS AND HOMES, PART 14/? // фик от Beautifulwhatsurhurry, собственно homeless!blane, hurt/comfort
- rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/129875.html#cut... In The Dark pt II || mage!kurt & ranger!blaine
- xxxraquelita.livejournal.com/9786.html Glowing in the Dark (9/20) || Blind!Pianist!Blaine
- klaine-endgame.livejournal.com/7460.html Excerpts from Kurt Hummel's Diary
-* Someone Like You klaineaddict.livejournal.com/5229.html#cutid1 // 9B // Стандартно: будущее, они так и не признались друг другу ни в чем, но какие-то обстоятельства сталкивают их. Очень много романтичного секса и Adele собственной персоной.
-* Angel in a Red Vest www.tumblr.com/tagged/fic%3a+angel+in+a+red+ves... (Firefighter!Blaine & Volunteer!Kurt)
-* I Will Grow You A Garden tresbellemichelle.tumblr.com/tagged/i%20will%20... (Gardener!Blaine Blushing Virgins!Klaine)
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6861000/1/What_Brings_Us_C... What Brings Us Closer Together
- rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/125058.html#cut... Unscripted (Three Times . . .)
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7710257/7/Take_Off_Your_Colours There were 3 things that Rachel had warned her younger brother, Blaine, about before stepping into McKinley High. One: jocks. Two: slushies. Three: Kurt Hummel. Badboy!Kurt, Anderberry siblings, Klaine.
-* zavocado.tumblr.com/post/28820716217 OLYMPIC!KLAINE: Only a fortnight in your arms.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6959389/1/Worlds_Apart Worlds Apart After a car accident, Darren and Blaine swap bodies. Will they be able to go back ? How will Kurt and Chris react ? Set before Funeral/during the shooting of Funeral, based on speculations at the time. Established Klaine, CrissColfer to come.
- darrensunderwear.tumblr.com/post/27784521646 Surrender Up My Heart. \\ Klaine (to be) Zombie AU.
- tresbellemichelle.tumblr.com/post/27502732973/w... We Stole the Stars // Курт, потомственный вор, забирается в дом к Андерсонам на предмет похищения какой-то там особо ценной картины. Чего он точно не ожидал, так это то, что находящийся в этом доме гражданин попросит взять его с собой.
-* rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/146587.html#cut... All The Other Ghosts || Superhero!AU (фик только начат, Курт имеет способность становиться невидимым и ходить сквозь стены, Блейн фанат этого супергероя и переезжает в НЙ в надежде с ним встретиться... да и сам он в общем-то не без способностей...)
-* www.fanfiction.net/s/7342163/1/The_Source_of_Ou... The Source of Our Power || BuffyVerse, Slayer!Blaine & Watcher!Kurt --- автор Shazzam, которая написала Sidhe
- colfer.livejournal.com/47608.html#cutid1The Fiddler and the Maestro Скрипач Курт и дирижер Блейн
-* wishof-wings.livejournal.com/7981.html#cutid1 Something To Sleep To || Курт - волонтер в больнице, на его попечении Блейн в коме
- beautifulwhatsyourhurry.tumblr.com/tagged/heart... FIC: HEARTS AND HOMES, PART 14/? // фик от Beautifulwhatsurhurry, собственно homeless!blane, hurt/comfort
- rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/129875.html#cut... In The Dark pt II || mage!kurt & ranger!blaine
- xxxraquelita.livejournal.com/9786.html Glowing in the Dark (9/20) || Blind!Pianist!Blaine
- klaine-endgame.livejournal.com/7460.html Excerpts from Kurt Hummel's Diary
-* Someone Like You klaineaddict.livejournal.com/5229.html#cutid1 // 9B // Стандартно: будущее, они так и не признались друг другу ни в чем, но какие-то обстоятельства сталкивают их. Очень много романтичного секса и Adele собственной персоной.
-* Angel in a Red Vest www.tumblr.com/tagged/fic%3a+angel+in+a+red+ves... (Firefighter!Blaine & Volunteer!Kurt)
-* I Will Grow You A Garden tresbellemichelle.tumblr.com/tagged/i%20will%20... (Gardener!Blaine Blushing Virgins!Klaine)
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6861000/1/What_Brings_Us_C... What Brings Us Closer Together
- rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/125058.html#cut... Unscripted (Three Times . . .)
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7710257/7/Take_Off_Your_Colours There were 3 things that Rachel had warned her younger brother, Blaine, about before stepping into McKinley High. One: jocks. Two: slushies. Three: Kurt Hummel. Badboy!Kurt, Anderberry siblings, Klaine.
-* zavocado.tumblr.com/post/28820716217 OLYMPIC!KLAINE: Only a fortnight in your arms.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6959389/1/Worlds_Apart Worlds Apart After a car accident, Darren and Blaine swap bodies. Will they be able to go back ? How will Kurt and Chris react ? Set before Funeral/during the shooting of Funeral, based on speculations at the time. Established Klaine, CrissColfer to come.
- darrensunderwear.tumblr.com/post/27784521646 Surrender Up My Heart. \\ Klaine (to be) Zombie AU.
- tresbellemichelle.tumblr.com/post/27502732973/w... We Stole the Stars // Курт, потомственный вор, забирается в дом к Андерсонам на предмет похищения какой-то там особо ценной картины. Чего он точно не ожидал, так это то, что находящийся в этом доме гражданин попросит взять его с собой.
-* rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/146587.html#cut... All The Other Ghosts || Superhero!AU (фик только начат, Курт имеет способность становиться невидимым и ходить сквозь стены, Блейн фанат этого супергероя и переезжает в НЙ в надежде с ним встретиться... да и сам он в общем-то не без способностей...)
-* www.fanfiction.net/s/7342163/1/The_Source_of_Ou... The Source of Our Power || BuffyVerse, Slayer!Blaine & Watcher!Kurt --- автор Shazzam, которая написала Sidhe
- colfer.livejournal.com/47608.html#cutid1The Fiddler and the Maestro Скрипач Курт и дирижер Блейн
-* wishof-wings.livejournal.com/7981.html#cutid1 Something To Sleep To || Курт - волонтер в больнице, на его попечении Блейн в коме
- undertheradar99.livejournal.com/1910.html#cutid... The Bodyguard \\ Summary: When superstar Kurt Hummel's life is at risk, Mr. Blaine Anderson is hired as his bodyguard.
- www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=5766 Pump it! \\ Summary: Kurt is working in a gas station. Blaine is one of the construction workers building an extension on the shop. Hilarity ensues.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6742422/7/At_First_Sight At First Sight Do you believe in love at first sight? That was a question the Blaine Anderson was not prepared to answer...especially on his wedding day. He meets a certain special someone that turns his world inside out. Slight AU Future Fic.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8058056/23/Savior_of_Light Savior of Light \\ Kurt Hummel, an ordinary boy from Ohio, is given the opportunity of a lifetime when he is chosen to star opposite Blaine Anderson, a famous teenage actor in an up and coming Hollywood blockbuster.
- preciousmellow.livejournal.com/16935.html Fic: Slow Dancing \\ Summary: Hi, my name is Kurt Hummel and I’m so, so scared.
A hate crime leaves Blaine damaged and Kurt refuses to let it bring them down.
- goddamnwrite.livejournal.com/tag/the%20outlaw The Outlaw Blaine Anderson by mothergoddamn \\ Summary: Kurt Hummel, lonely shop-keep filled with dreams of escape, meets a stranger in the midst of the Wild West. And then gets taken on an adventure - whether he likes it or not.
- stut-ter.livejournal.com/9921.html#cutid1 Enzymes \\ prostitute!kurt
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... King Of All Wild Things - Klaine fantasy AU \\ давно не обновлявшийся WIP, но очень крутой. Курт из-за своей ориентации подвергся остракизму, он покидает родной город и уходит за Стену, где располагаются только джунгли и живут лишь дикари...
- dareu2beme.livejournal.com/50162.html The Lonely Warbler \\ Summary: At the beginning of Kurt’s senior year at McKinley High, he skips class to avoid a bully and ends up meeting the most interesting boy he’s ever laid eyes on.
- * a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/43735.html This Earthly Paradise \\ Summary: In Victorian England, Kurt Hummel is a struggling artist and contemporary of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an organization of painters, poets, and critics who strive to turn the art establishment of England on its very head. His mentor, one Dante Gabriel Rossetti, has grown tired of Kurt's reluctance to grow as an artist, and so enter Blaine Anderson, an artists' model of Bohemian disposition and eye-catching good looks. Can he, using rather unorthodox methods, succeed where Rossetti has not?
- * glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/36785.html?threa... You Last A Lifetime 10c/ \\ Klaine sci-fi, Блейн является человеком, который каждый день просыпается в новом теле.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7933931/1/ No Curtain Call \\ Blaine Anderson is a notorious thief that got caught after stealing 100 million dollars worth of uncut diamonds. This is his story. Klaine diamond heist AU. Has a happy ending.
- scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=6479&cha... Pharaoh Pharaoh, Whoa Baby \\ Summary: After the passing of his father, Pharaoh Kurt Hummel has taken over Egypt with his second in command, Finn. He is revered among the land for his god-like good looks, and is betrothed to the equally beautiful Quinn Fabray. Kurt has never been a fan of enslaving the Jews, but knows that it is the norm, and as Pharoah, if he were to try and change it, there would be an uprising. But what happens when a new shipment arrives, and the boy with the striking hazel eyes looks up at him? He isn’t broken like all the others.
* - inkystars.tumblr.com/post/33978069551/the-boy-w... the-boy-with-the-unicorn-tattoo \\ pretty much speaks for itself.
* - www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=3341... The Proper Way to... // Another supernatural/superpowers!Klaine. Lovely writing, cynical!Blaine's POV.
- archiveofourown.org/series/18259 Special Series \\ Being a part of something special makes you special. (Also, having superpowers.) \\ Я так понимаю, тут и Курт/Блейн, и Курт/Пак, так что...
- lovely-sparkle.livejournal.com/15113.html Title: It Must Be Love \\ Warnings: language, homophobic comments/slurs, underage drinking, awkward teenage sexytimes, attack of the 80s references
Summary: It's 1987, and Blaine just wants to fit in with the cool kids at school. So he wears trendy clothes even though they aren't his style, saves his singing and dancing for his bedroom, and keeps his sexuality a secret by dating a popular cheerleader. But everything changes when teen sensation Kurt Hummel, lead singer of the latest New Wave craze Social Heap, enters his world. And little does Kurt know that his world is about to be turned upside-down, too.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7586301/1/Hurricane Hurricane \\ Two years after Kurt and Blaine's divorce, Kurt finally wins custody of their daughter. A week later, Blaine attempts suicide. He has nowhere else to go, so Kurt volunteers to take him in, believing that he can help Blaine.
- oh-woffie.tumblr.com/post/30065824767/fic-it-st... It Started With A Phone Call \\ Summary: While working at the garage one afternoon, Kurt Hummel received a phone call from a very flustered young man by the name of Blaine Anderson.
- a-glass-parade.livejournal.com/?skip=20&tag=sto... Nothing's So Loud \\ По фильму "Скажи что-нибудь" \\ Summary: Blaine Anderson is the easy going skateboarding slacker who's carried a torch for sheltered class Valedictorian Kurt Hummel for the last year. On the day they graduate from high school, he decides to do something about it. There's no way they should work. Everything will conspire against them. Can this unlikely pairing prevail?
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7628435/1/The_danger_insid... + sequel The danger inside of you \\ In his college freshman year, Kurt manages to convince Blaine to give up their game of WHMS, and it seems their life together can finally start. But a drunk night out leads to a rush to the hospital, and a confession Blaine should have made much earlier.
- iconicklaine.tumblr.com/post/31055613024/any-ot... Any Other Man \\ Fashion Designers ! Klaine
- anxioussquirrel.livejournal.com/?skip=10&tag=wi... With You, I Can Breathe Summary: Pre-Klaine. Blaine gets sexually assaulted. Burt is the one to pick up the pieces. The Hummel-Hudson household is the safe haven. My spin on the old prompt. + sequel
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7432300/1/Once_in_a_Blue_M...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6995073/1/ Ersatz \\ Kurt is a waiter dreaming of high society living. Blaine is a wealthy music producer on a talent search. Starting with a designer suit acquired through questionable means, Kurt spins a web of lies to masquerade as someone worthy of Blaine's attention.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7275486/1/ Stop Loss \\ AU. Kurt Hummel never went to McKinley, developing his talents at Carmel as the protégé of Jesse St James instead. Everything is going according to plan, until the day a beautiful, damaged transfer student named Blaine throws his world upside down.
Также добавлю несколько отличных работ по пэрингу Курт/Себастьян. \\ MOSTLY WIP
1.* cacophonylights.livejournal.com/tag/acitw A Change in the Weather \\ Пока что мой любимый фик в принципе. Летом перед тем, как Курт отчаливает в НЙ (поступив в НИАДА), Блейн едет на какие-то крутые курсы в СФ и решает поставить отношения на паузу. Сразу после отъезда Б. на Курта сваливается 2 новости. а) его запрос на бесплатное обучение отклонён и он должен найти 10к за лето, б) в этот же момент к нему подваливает С. с предложением прикидываться его bf на лето, потому что его родителей достало его разнузданное поведение... \\ Да, может, сама идея кажется странной, но сам фик написан просто невероятно... Автор видит героев точно так же, как и я. Очень остроумно и точно в плане описания эмоций. У Себастьяна крутая семья)
У нее же Smut BREATHE ME.
2. It's A Dalton Tradition. Курт переводится в Далтон и узнает о прекрасной традиции fagging (вот теперь и вы узнаете, откуда пошло это понятие). melblue.livejournal.com/
3. Don't Your Remember? wikifics.wikispaces.com/Don't+You+Remember+(Kurtbastian) Очередная амнезия. Курт и Себастьян женаты 2 года, вместе 7 лет, авария, потеря памяти, Курту 18, он все еще влюблен в Блейна и ненавидит Себастьяна.
4. As Your Shadow Crosses Mine. angelofcaffeine.livejournal.com/34224.html После болезненного для самооценки расставания с Блейном Курт подружился с Себастьяном. Последний влюбился моментально, первый же загоняется примерно так, как это делаю я в отношениях. Ня.
5. www.fanfiction.net/s/8247487/1/Barista-Confessi... Barista Confessions // Unsure of his future following graduation, Kurt finds the status quo impossible to maintain. And when Sebastian Smythe comes crashing back into his life, it gets even more complicated.
6. www.fanfiction.net/s/8223727/1/Make-My-Heart-St... Make My Heart Start Beating // AU - Set five years after Season Three, Kurt never left Lima, he never followed his dreams or got his prince. Some angst, some man on man, way too romantic over the top plot, some OOC-ness for plot reasons .
- chambergambit.tumblr.com/tagged/sosn Fic: Something Old Someone New || arranged marriage, blaine is married to santana
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8108140/10/Of_Wine_And_Cof... Of_Wine_And_Coffee // Sebastian's parents die in a car crash, Blaine's broken up with Kurt, Kurt suggests that Seb lives with his family.
- vampire!sebastian For You gummybears231.livejournal.com/25622.html
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/30710.html?threa...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7922546/1/We_Broke_Up_20_M...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8335770/1/Electra_Heart
- * glitterdammerung.tumblr.com/tagged/verse%3A-eur... Europe Is Our Playground ‘verse || ... -> Thessaloniki -> Rome \\ Shameless smut mwahaha \\ Future fic, Курт и Себ встречаются в разных городах Европы на предмет...
- artist-artists.tumblr.com/post/27787726474/blin... blind-date
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/30710.html?threa... Fill (5c/?) - Get You Out of My Head - Kurtbastian - Sexual Tension
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7725324/12/Should_Be_An_In... Should Be An Interesting Year Курт не поступил в НИАДА и стал учиться в Ohio State на Theatre Major. Угадайте, кто его сосед по комнате.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8072803/1/The_Kitten_and_C... The Kitten and Coyote \\ АУ с середины серии The First Time: Блейн зашел слишком далеко в своей попытке переспать с Куртом на автостоянке около Scandals, Себ пришел на помощь. Курту, а не Блейну.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8228950/9/Like_one_of_your... Like one of your French boys Prompt from SebKurtsies on tumblr: Sebastian is secretly an artist and he draws portraits of Kurt at the Lima Bean without Kurt knowing. It would also include Kurt modeling nude for Sebastian after finding out.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8277529/8/Destined Destined \\ AU Kurtbastian. Sebastian Smythe is charged with the responsibility of training new indentured servants for a cruel master. His most recent assignment is someone he thought was long dead: Kurt Hummel. If Sebastian wants to keep the man he was Destined to be with, he will have to sacrifice everything, including himself.
- melblue.livejournal.com/31128.html#cutid1 On the Mating Difficulties of Werewolves and Unicorns (Or, Kurt and Sebastian try to Get It On and Mike Chang Saves the Day.) \\ Объяснять тут в общем-то ничего не надо. Автор Dalton Tradition начиталась фиков по Teen Wolf и вот...
- nalasan.livejournal.com/tag/period%20fiction China Cups and Top Hats \\ Victorian!Kurtbastian \\ Больше сказать особенно нечего, очень мило написано, советую!
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/29310.html?threa... The Worst Kind BadBoy!Себастьян \\ 16chapters
- spookytus.livejournal.com/3547.html a better look - kurtbastian au, part 01/03 SUMMARY: A fill for the Glee Kink Meme. Sebastian is a law student at Columbia who, as of late, has had to spend an unfortunate amount of time at the New York Public Library. Enter Kurt, a quick-witted young writer with hair worthy of a mad scientist – and a challenge unlike any Sebastian has ever seen before.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/30710.html?threa... Bite me \\ Vampire!KurtBastian
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/32650.html?threa... [Fill] Unspoken (2c/?), Kurt/Sebastian, deaf!Sebastian
- yourpinkdiary.tumblr.com/post/31893565663/the-t... The Things I’d Have You Do \\ Kurt's a head cheeleader and well...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8420552/1/ It's Only Masochism When It Hurts \\ История о том, как Курта, сына сенатора, похищает семья мафиози.
- Tiny Little Fractures www.fanfiction.net/s/7800741/1/Tiny_Little_Frac... \\ Sebastian is in over his head and even Kurt, who still basically hates the guy, feels compelled to try and help him. Unfortunately, Kurt isn't equipped to deal with drinking, drugs and a Sebastian who seems too damaged to repair.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7892897/1/Kurt_Hummel_Has_... Kurt Hummel Has Mail \\ Once upon a time there were two boys. One of them tried and failed to steal the other's boyfriend. The two boys were natural enemies. But when they coincidentally, and anonymously, met in cyberspace, they accidentally fell in love.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/29310.html?threa... Practically Human \\ Android!Sebastian
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7922422/2/Of_Bear_Cubs_Mee... Of_Bear_Cubs_Meerkats_and_Hobbits
- musetta31.tumblr.com/post/22504548827/a-single-... A Single Red Thread Summary: ”There is a myth, that a red string connects a person to their soul mate…” Kurt Hummel has been dating Blaine Anderson for nearly six months when his string finally appears to him, and the person to whom he’s connected is standing before him- only, it’s not Blaine.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7977293/1/Before_you_met_m... Before you met me \\ The student raised his eyebrow at Kurt but held out his hand. "Sebastian Smythe," Feeling slightly apprehensive, Kurt shook it. "Kurt Hummel" AU: What if Kurt had met Sebastian instead of Blaine when he went to spy on the Warblers?
- artist-artists.tumblr.com/post/24838770742/if-w... If Work Permits \\ Summary: The Proposal AU. I hate the old summary, so here’s a new one that is probably more accurate. This is a bizarre attempt at a The Proposal AU written by somebody who saw the movie once a long time ago and didn’t like it very much. BASICALLY: Green card marriage fic.
- grant-lustin.tumblr.com/tagged/oott-fic kurtbastian childhood friends
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7922546/1/We_Broke_Up_20_M...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8335770/1/Electra_Heart
- * glitterdammerung.tumblr.com/tagged/verse%3A-eur... Europe Is Our Playground ‘verse || ... -> Thessaloniki -> Rome \\ Shameless smut mwahaha \\ Future fic, Курт и Себ встречаются в разных городах Европы на предмет...
- artist-artists.tumblr.com/post/27787726474/blin... blind-date
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/30710.html?threa... Fill (5c/?) - Get You Out of My Head - Kurtbastian - Sexual Tension
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7725324/12/Should_Be_An_In... Should Be An Interesting Year Курт не поступил в НИАДА и стал учиться в Ohio State на Theatre Major. Угадайте, кто его сосед по комнате.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8072803/1/The_Kitten_and_C... The Kitten and Coyote \\ АУ с середины серии The First Time: Блейн зашел слишком далеко в своей попытке переспать с Куртом на автостоянке около Scandals, Себ пришел на помощь. Курту, а не Блейну.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8228950/9/Like_one_of_your... Like one of your French boys Prompt from SebKurtsies on tumblr: Sebastian is secretly an artist and he draws portraits of Kurt at the Lima Bean without Kurt knowing. It would also include Kurt modeling nude for Sebastian after finding out.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8277529/8/Destined Destined \\ AU Kurtbastian. Sebastian Smythe is charged with the responsibility of training new indentured servants for a cruel master. His most recent assignment is someone he thought was long dead: Kurt Hummel. If Sebastian wants to keep the man he was Destined to be with, he will have to sacrifice everything, including himself.
- melblue.livejournal.com/31128.html#cutid1 On the Mating Difficulties of Werewolves and Unicorns (Or, Kurt and Sebastian try to Get It On and Mike Chang Saves the Day.) \\ Объяснять тут в общем-то ничего не надо. Автор Dalton Tradition начиталась фиков по Teen Wolf и вот...
- nalasan.livejournal.com/tag/period%20fiction China Cups and Top Hats \\ Victorian!Kurtbastian \\ Больше сказать особенно нечего, очень мило написано, советую!
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/29310.html?threa... The Worst Kind BadBoy!Себастьян \\ 16chapters
- spookytus.livejournal.com/3547.html a better look - kurtbastian au, part 01/03 SUMMARY: A fill for the Glee Kink Meme. Sebastian is a law student at Columbia who, as of late, has had to spend an unfortunate amount of time at the New York Public Library. Enter Kurt, a quick-witted young writer with hair worthy of a mad scientist – and a challenge unlike any Sebastian has ever seen before.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/30710.html?threa... Bite me \\ Vampire!KurtBastian
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/32650.html?threa... [Fill] Unspoken (2c/?), Kurt/Sebastian, deaf!Sebastian
- yourpinkdiary.tumblr.com/post/31893565663/the-t... The Things I’d Have You Do \\ Kurt's a head cheeleader and well...
- www.fanfiction.net/s/8420552/1/ It's Only Masochism When It Hurts \\ История о том, как Курта, сына сенатора, похищает семья мафиози.
- Tiny Little Fractures www.fanfiction.net/s/7800741/1/Tiny_Little_Frac... \\ Sebastian is in over his head and even Kurt, who still basically hates the guy, feels compelled to try and help him. Unfortunately, Kurt isn't equipped to deal with drinking, drugs and a Sebastian who seems too damaged to repair.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7892897/1/Kurt_Hummel_Has_... Kurt Hummel Has Mail \\ Once upon a time there were two boys. One of them tried and failed to steal the other's boyfriend. The two boys were natural enemies. But when they coincidentally, and anonymously, met in cyberspace, they accidentally fell in love.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/29310.html?threa... Practically Human \\ Android!Sebastian
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7922422/2/Of_Bear_Cubs_Mee... Of_Bear_Cubs_Meerkats_and_Hobbits
- musetta31.tumblr.com/post/22504548827/a-single-... A Single Red Thread Summary: ”There is a myth, that a red string connects a person to their soul mate…” Kurt Hummel has been dating Blaine Anderson for nearly six months when his string finally appears to him, and the person to whom he’s connected is standing before him- only, it’s not Blaine.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7977293/1/Before_you_met_m... Before you met me \\ The student raised his eyebrow at Kurt but held out his hand. "Sebastian Smythe," Feeling slightly apprehensive, Kurt shook it. "Kurt Hummel" AU: What if Kurt had met Sebastian instead of Blaine when he went to spy on the Warblers?
- artist-artists.tumblr.com/post/24838770742/if-w... If Work Permits \\ Summary: The Proposal AU. I hate the old summary, so here’s a new one that is probably more accurate. This is a bizarre attempt at a The Proposal AU written by somebody who saw the movie once a long time ago and didn’t like it very much. BASICALLY: Green card marriage fic.
- grant-lustin.tumblr.com/tagged/oott-fic kurtbastian childhood friends
dirtyovercoats.tumblr.com/post/7063093346/dean-... (это Supernatural, dean\cas. я не читала ни один, но пусть полежит, да? да.)
dirtyovercoats.tumblr.com/post/7063093346/dean-... (это Supernatural, dean\cas. я не читала ни один, но пусть полежит, да? да.)
lilinas.tumblr.com/dsrecs (реки по D/s, потому что при том, что в целом это совершенно не моё, иногда я одуреваю от неправильной, на мой взгляд, динамики отношений в фиках, и мне срочно нужен Dom!Kurt)
Я на fanfiction.net www.fanfiction.net/~arizonadreams
/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jelliclekitten.tumblr.com/tagged/fanfiction
Пост в первую очередь для себя.
Также напоминаю, что в последнее время я мало контактирую с рус.яз и моя грамматика и словарный запас ограничены)))) ************************************************************************************************************
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?l=0&fid=2239... Банальный кризис среднего возраста \\ Спойлеры ГП7. Прошло еще два года со времени, описанного в эпилоге. Гермиона и не подозревала о том, к чему приведет ее давнее желание изучать как можно больше школьных предметов. Сиквел - "Уроборос".
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/member.php?l=0&id=32939 фики авторства Dea siderea
-* хранители www.snapetales.com/all.php?fic_id=3451
-* синдром дворняги www.hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?l=0&id=2... шедеврально-гениально, я серьезно, к прочтению обязательно вне зависимости от отношения к пэрингу
- плащ храбрости (the cloak of courage) ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=15...
- мои университеты www.hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=2751... Гермиона в универе
- Уход за магическими существами ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=16... вроде как хороший фик по закону о браке
- www.snapetales.com/index.php?fic_id=2525 невеста полоза
- ss-hg.narod.ru/fic/r/ne_shekochi_spjashego_drak... Не щекочи спящего дракона \\ Саммари: В поисках убежища Гермиона попадает в весьма странное место, но оказывается, что место стало приютом не только для неё.
- ss-hg.narod.ru/fic/pg15/vidish_li_mj_pozenimsja... Видишь ли, мы поженимся \\ Саммари: Довольно обычная история о том, как Гермиона попала в прошлое, встретила саму себя и своего в-скором-времени-мужа и рассказала им все о своем прошлом, чтобы создать правильное будущее. \\ И вообще фики от CaitSith
-* www.fanfics.ru/index.php?section=3&id=37927 Места хватит всем \\ Мой любимый фик по пэрингу, вообще читать всю Чернокнижницу www.fanfics.ru/index.php?section=profile&id=382...
- ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewuser.php?uid=456... работы ubiquirk, в особенности Conspiracy Theory и Back in Black
- ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=17... Second Life
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=49619&l=... Гермиона Грэйнджер и другие способы разрушить Хогвартс к Рождеству \\ Написано для тех, кого не вдохновила эпопея с палатками и Дарами смерти, и кому интересно знать, как бы прошел седьмой год в Хогвартсе, полном Пожирателей, во время директорства Северуса Снейпа.
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=33140&l=... Золотая клетка \\ Рассудительная мисс Грейнджер полагает, что выйдя замуж за узника Азкабана под номером 11652, она сможет без труда обойти положения только что принятого Министерством Брачного закона. История о морали, смерти и соленых орешках. \\ читала я его, правда, на английском
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=32076&l=... За гранью невозможного \\ По случайному стечению обстоятельств Гермиона становится ученицей Дамблдора и на два года покидает Англию... Как изменится ее жизнь, ее отношения с людьми и особенно с одним человеком... Снэйджер, соответственно AU с 6-й книги. Получил награду, как лучший макси фанфик 2009 года на ТТП!
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=32312&l=... Памблчук \\ «Экспекто патронум!» - в Хогвартс Экспрессе профессор Люпин послал заклинание в дементора, и с этого момента началась история Памблчука. Иллюстрации: - Edania Wolfhart www.wolfhartstudios.net
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=20434&l=... Плохая примета \\ Считается, что разбить зеркало – это плохая примета. А уж если разбитое зеркало было не простым, а волшебным, тогда в вашей жизни могут произойти самые невероятные перемены.
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=9406&l=0 Метаморфозы \\ Профессор Снейп пьет Всесущное зелье, чтобы занять место Гарри, которого Дамблдор прячет от Волдеморта. Когда все возвращается на свои места, оказывается, что ничто уже не сможет быть прежним. \\ обычно считается лучшим снейджером
-* www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=w... Как достать профессора Снейпа \\ По ссылке сразу скачивается doc файл!!! \\ Это, наверное, самое смешное, что я в принципе читала. Он потрясающий и гениальный. Только не дописан, к сожалению. Но я ржала в 5 утра так, что меня снизу охранники передразнивали.
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?l=0&fid=2239... Банальный кризис среднего возраста \\ Спойлеры ГП7. Прошло еще два года со времени, описанного в эпилоге. Гермиона и не подозревала о том, к чему приведет ее давнее желание изучать как можно больше школьных предметов. Сиквел - "Уроборос".
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/member.php?l=0&id=32939 фики авторства Dea siderea
-* хранители www.snapetales.com/all.php?fic_id=3451
-* синдром дворняги www.hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?l=0&id=2... шедеврально-гениально, я серьезно, к прочтению обязательно вне зависимости от отношения к пэрингу
- плащ храбрости (the cloak of courage) ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=15...
- мои университеты www.hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=2751... Гермиона в универе
- Уход за магическими существами ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=16... вроде как хороший фик по закону о браке
- www.snapetales.com/index.php?fic_id=2525 невеста полоза
- ss-hg.narod.ru/fic/r/ne_shekochi_spjashego_drak... Не щекочи спящего дракона \\ Саммари: В поисках убежища Гермиона попадает в весьма странное место, но оказывается, что место стало приютом не только для неё.
- ss-hg.narod.ru/fic/pg15/vidish_li_mj_pozenimsja... Видишь ли, мы поженимся \\ Саммари: Довольно обычная история о том, как Гермиона попала в прошлое, встретила саму себя и своего в-скором-времени-мужа и рассказала им все о своем прошлом, чтобы создать правильное будущее. \\ И вообще фики от CaitSith
-* www.fanfics.ru/index.php?section=3&id=37927 Места хватит всем \\ Мой любимый фик по пэрингу, вообще читать всю Чернокнижницу www.fanfics.ru/index.php?section=profile&id=382...
- ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewuser.php?uid=456... работы ubiquirk, в особенности Conspiracy Theory и Back in Black
- ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=17... Second Life
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=49619&l=... Гермиона Грэйнджер и другие способы разрушить Хогвартс к Рождеству \\ Написано для тех, кого не вдохновила эпопея с палатками и Дарами смерти, и кому интересно знать, как бы прошел седьмой год в Хогвартсе, полном Пожирателей, во время директорства Северуса Снейпа.
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=33140&l=... Золотая клетка \\ Рассудительная мисс Грейнджер полагает, что выйдя замуж за узника Азкабана под номером 11652, она сможет без труда обойти положения только что принятого Министерством Брачного закона. История о морали, смерти и соленых орешках. \\ читала я его, правда, на английском
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=32076&l=... За гранью невозможного \\ По случайному стечению обстоятельств Гермиона становится ученицей Дамблдора и на два года покидает Англию... Как изменится ее жизнь, ее отношения с людьми и особенно с одним человеком... Снэйджер, соответственно AU с 6-й книги. Получил награду, как лучший макси фанфик 2009 года на ТТП!
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=32312&l=... Памблчук \\ «Экспекто патронум!» - в Хогвартс Экспрессе профессор Люпин послал заклинание в дементора, и с этого момента началась история Памблчука. Иллюстрации: - Edania Wolfhart www.wolfhartstudios.net
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=20434&l=... Плохая примета \\ Считается, что разбить зеркало – это плохая примета. А уж если разбитое зеркало было не простым, а волшебным, тогда в вашей жизни могут произойти самые невероятные перемены.
- hogwartsnet.ru/mfanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=9406&l=0 Метаморфозы \\ Профессор Снейп пьет Всесущное зелье, чтобы занять место Гарри, которого Дамблдор прячет от Волдеморта. Когда все возвращается на свои места, оказывается, что ничто уже не сможет быть прежним. \\ обычно считается лучшим снейджером
-* www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=w... Как достать профессора Снейпа \\ По ссылке сразу скачивается doc файл!!! \\ Это, наверное, самое смешное, что я в принципе читала. Он потрясающий и гениальный. Только не дописан, к сожалению. Но я ржала в 5 утра так, что меня снизу охранники передразнивали.
Я на fanfiction.net www.fanfiction.net/~arizonadreams
/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jelliclekitten.tumblr.com/tagged/fanfiction
Пост в первую очередь для себя.
PS. Этот же пост в ЖЖ jellicle-kitten.livejournal.com/1354190.html
PPS. Добавлено несколько фиков по ГП: Снейп/Гермиона, омг. Пытаюсь вспомнить логины на хогвартснет и прочие сайты, где явно куча всего в favorites...
- fade to black
- gotmedoingbackflips.tumblr.com/post/19481398626...
- gotmedoingbackflips.tumblr.com/post/20730997282...
archiveofourown.org/works/441536 - сенатор!блейн омг
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7029739/1/Expect_the_unexp...(Blaine
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6579070/1/Offensive_Innoce...
- www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=1768... it's frowned upon
- www.fanfiction.net/s/6873489/1/ Kurt is a beloved music teacher and, along with partner Dave Karofsky, proud father to 6-year-old Ellie. Blaine, his best friend, is a young Chicago lawyer who unwillingly becomes the leader of a statewide gay rights movement. When Kurt and Ellie's home life turns violent as a result of Dave's alcoholism, Blaine opens up his home to them. Brief Kurtofsky, Klaine later. Future fic.
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7016875/1/Let_me_be
- lionsandowls.livejournal.com/560.html
- whenidance.org/post/31404123224/fic-shatter-the... AU in which Blaine was raised by highly religious parents and escapes to NYC with Quinn, moving in next door to Rachel and Kurt. Based on this spoiler pic for tomorrow night’s ep, and the very first line, which I cannot take credit for, as aelora said it to me about said pic. no spoilers for the fic aside from the pic, if you want to click on it, and where Kurt is working if you’re still living under a rock about that. ~2100 words. PG-13, but the rating’ll go up.
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/36785.html?threa... FILL: I Know We're Cool, 1a/? Kurt/Blaine experimenting, nerd!klaine, first time
- sararye.tumblr.com/post/32207961637 A rosy cheeked stranger walks into Kurt’s bookshop one autumn evening, and the story begins
- www.fanfiction.net/s/7330560/7/New-Blood
- glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/22507.html?threa... chazzam fic \\ prince blaine
- snowytelevision.livejournal.com/ hiding place
www.fanfiction.net/s/5623923/1/The_Paladin_Prot... --- это вообще фанфик по Теории большого взрыва
dont-be-fancy.livejournal.com/10298.html сandyman (если кому-то удастся найти более красиво написанный smut, я даже не знаю, вряд ли такое возможно)
water-nix.livejournal.com/15186.html Summary: On the third of August in Blaine Anderson's ninth year, something momentous happens: he sees a boy crying on the beach and decides to do something about it. What he gets in return is a best friend, a confidant, an ally to help him through the ups and downs. They spend one month together every summer. One perfect month until they are old enough to escape together. Eleven Augusts and the letters in between.
updated 11.11.12
и блин я тебе не могу сказать почему его стоит читать до конца. это спойлер)) но читааай)))
а гет клозер тугезер ты забросила?(((
почему никто не любит этот фик кроме меня))
и блин я тебе не могу сказать почему его стоит читать до конца. это спойлер)) но читааай)))
нет, спойлеров не надо!) прочту, куда уж денусь!
почему никто не любит этот фик кроме меня
ну это точно не так, я его очень часто вижу в рекомендациях
и семья Курта. *__* вообще очень-очень))
а ещё драбблы от Кейторин Асторин (все время не так читаю её ник)) кажется...
ещё она оставляет дико трогательные AN к драбблам) иногда они даже длиннее) но они такие милые))
у неё своя аю вселенная))