There's nothing to debate: the next Doctor cannot be white and male

by Claire Askew // 5 June 2013, 09:15

So by now, even if you're not a member of the fandom, you've probably heard that Matt Smith, aka the eleventh Doctor Who, will leave the smash hit TV show later this year. Some fans are weeping into their Cyberman voice-changing helmets, others breathing a sigh of relief. But all are united in a storm of speculation over which actor will be selected to take up the role next.

Checking out the betting odds, you'll see familiar faces. Paterson Joseph was tipped for the role last time around, as was Chiwetel Ejiofor. It would be extremely exciting to finally have a Doctor who isn't white - the show's general lack of lead characters of colour had begun to get a bit embarrassing in the seasons before Martha came along, and fans have been speculating about the possibility of a black Doctor since David Tennant left the role in 2008. Unfortunately, however, die-hards who insist that "the Doctor is a white British male and always will be" appear out of the woodwork every time the job opens up, and frankly, their opinions are becoming embarrassing.

For a start, there is very little of substance in the Doctor Who canon that suggests the Doctor couldn't regenerate into non-white or non-male body. Interestingly, many fanboys (and the odd fangirl) seem pretty OK with the idea of a Doctor of colour... but a female Doctor? Absolutely not - though many don't specify a reason. Probably because there is no reason: thanks to Romana, we know for sure that "Time Ladies" (though let's please not make that term a thing) can exist. The show has featured companions of both genders ever since the very first season, too. Even the grand old Daily Mail - who just published a piece entitled "Who should be the next Doctor? ANYONE but a woman!" - can't think of a real reason why Matt's Smith's replacement shouldn't be female. Their argument - so you don't have to give them the satisfaction of a pageview - is that the Doctor provides a "rare" positive, non-violent role model for young boys. Apparently in Daily Mail land, the preservation of this straw-Doctor is far more important than giving young girls the message that they don't just have to settle for the role of side-kick.
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