Всякое интересное.
вторник, 26 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Всякое интересное.
понедельник, 25 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Я понимаю, что до мая ещё дожить надо, но ВДРУГ есть кто-то, кто хочет на Бон Джови 31 мая Лужники фанзона/танц партер? Ну, вдруг... Я хочу день рождения провести под OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH WE'RE HALFWAY THERE
Вдруг кто...
Вдруг кто...
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
суббота, 23 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Цвета, зрительные иллюзии, воображаемый зелёный, человек = так и не выросшая обезьяна и прочее...
пятница, 22 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Но я в итоге молодец. Дошла сегодня до психолога, хорошо с ним поговорила, а потом взяла и пошла в зоопарк залипать на птичек. Ворон там, кстати, разговаривает! Птичку хочу( Большую, кусачую, ХИЩНУЮ.
Не суть. Зарядилась я каким-то добром, что ли, исходящим от животных. Надо снова попробовать записаться туда волонтёром, они в принципе берут всех, как я поняла.
У меня даже мои баттхёрты прошли. Немного.
Не суть. Зарядилась я каким-то добром, что ли, исходящим от животных. Надо снова попробовать записаться туда волонтёром, они в принципе берут всех, как я поняла.
У меня даже мои баттхёрты прошли. Немного.
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our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
четверг, 21 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
This week on the pod Laura’s chatting to Dr Amy Slater, body image researcher at University of West England.
In this episode they discuss:
✨ Thin ideal internalisation + its physical and psychological consequences
✨ How social media holds certain body types up as the ideal + can leave us feeling dissatisfied
✨ The fact that labelling images as digitally altered is not actually helpful in reducing comparison + dissatisfaction and can actually backfire
✨ How advertising in traditional media + social media can impact body image
✨ That even positive feedback about appearance impacts negatively on our body image
✨ What social comparison is + how this has changed with social media
✨ The consequences of viewing fitspiration + self-objectification on Instagram
✨ How we can curate a social media feed that’s supportive of positive body image
* * *
Очень интересный выпуск. Как на самом деле на нас влияют социальные сети (да и прочие медиа), какие есть подводные камни, и как сделать это влияние максимально приятственным)
This week on the pod Laura’s chatting to Dr Amy Slater, body image researcher at University of West England.
In this episode they discuss:
✨ Thin ideal internalisation + its physical and psychological consequences
✨ How social media holds certain body types up as the ideal + can leave us feeling dissatisfied
✨ The fact that labelling images as digitally altered is not actually helpful in reducing comparison + dissatisfaction and can actually backfire
✨ How advertising in traditional media + social media can impact body image
✨ That even positive feedback about appearance impacts negatively on our body image
✨ What social comparison is + how this has changed with social media
✨ The consequences of viewing fitspiration + self-objectification on Instagram
✨ How we can curate a social media feed that’s supportive of positive body image
* * *
Очень интересный выпуск. Как на самом деле на нас влияют социальные сети (да и прочие медиа), какие есть подводные камни, и как сделать это влияние максимально приятственным)
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Роуэн сделала шедевральное видео, всем смотреть)
/я помню я и прочие фанатки пэринга Бильбо Бэггинс/Торин Дубощит так же высказывались на тему паралелей с Кили/Тауриэль/
/я помню я и прочие фанатки пэринга Бильбо Бэггинс/Торин Дубощит так же высказывались на тему паралелей с Кили/Тауриэль/
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

Наконец слушаю Sapiense: Краткая история человечества, постоянно получаю оттуда дофаминовое потребление т.к. "... ну я же говорила!!"
Хотя конечно не на 100% согласна, многое под вопросом, но да.
понедельник, 18 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
spaceship goals

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Elite Colleges Constantly Tell Low-Income Students That They Do Not Belong
Unwritten rules underlie all of elite-university life—and students who don’t come from a wealthy background have a hard time navigating them.
Источник: www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/03/p...
Last Tuesday, the Justice Department charged 50 people with involvement in an elaborate scheme to purchase spots in some of the country’s top schools. The tactics described in the indictment were complex and multipronged, requiring multiple steps of deception and bribery by parents and their co-conspirators to secure their children’s admission to the schools of their choice. The plot purportedly included faking learning disabilities, using Photoshopped images to make it seem as if students played sports that they did not actually play, and pretending that students were of different ethnicities in an effort to exploit affirmative-action programs. The alleged scheme was led by a man named William Singer, who called his business venture a “side door” into college. On Tuesday, Singer pleaded guilty to all charges.
The case, rightfully, has set off a wave of conversations about how the wealthy are able to lie and manipulate their way into the country’s elite colleges and universities. But the scandal also provides an opportunity to interrogate how these universities are set up in ways that systematically amplify and exacerbate the class differences between their students. Students from low-income backgrounds receive daily reminders—interpersonal and institutional, symbolic and structural—that they are the ones who do not belong.
To understand the prevalence of wealth at top-tier schools, and how those schools often fail to adequately serve low-income students, it helps to turn to a book called The Privileged Poor, by the Harvard University professor Anthony Abraham Jack, published earlier this month. In the book, Jack combines his own journey as a low-income student from Miami who attended selective schools (Amherst College as an undergrad and Harvard for graduate school) and his two-year ethnographic research project, in which he interviewed and followed the lives of low-income students as they navigated life at an unidentified elite school he refers to as “Renowned University.”
In the early pages of the book, Jack outlines how top colleges and universities are and have long been havens of the wealthy. In 2017, a team led by the Harvard economist Raj Chetty found that students coming from families in the top 1 percent—those who make more than $630,000 a year—are 77 times more likely to be admitted to and attend an Ivy League school than students coming from families who make less than $30,000 a year. Furthermore, the study found that 38 elite colleges have more students who come from families in the top 1 percent than students who come from the bottom 60 percent (families making less than $65,000 a year). In other research, Anthony Carnevale and Jeff Strohl, of Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, have documented how just 14 percent of undergraduates at the most competitive schools—places like Stanford, Princeton, and Columbia—come from families who make up the bottom half of U.S. income distribution.
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Unwritten rules underlie all of elite-university life—and students who don’t come from a wealthy background have a hard time navigating them.
Источник: www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/03/p...
Last Tuesday, the Justice Department charged 50 people with involvement in an elaborate scheme to purchase spots in some of the country’s top schools. The tactics described in the indictment were complex and multipronged, requiring multiple steps of deception and bribery by parents and their co-conspirators to secure their children’s admission to the schools of their choice. The plot purportedly included faking learning disabilities, using Photoshopped images to make it seem as if students played sports that they did not actually play, and pretending that students were of different ethnicities in an effort to exploit affirmative-action programs. The alleged scheme was led by a man named William Singer, who called his business venture a “side door” into college. On Tuesday, Singer pleaded guilty to all charges.
The case, rightfully, has set off a wave of conversations about how the wealthy are able to lie and manipulate their way into the country’s elite colleges and universities. But the scandal also provides an opportunity to interrogate how these universities are set up in ways that systematically amplify and exacerbate the class differences between their students. Students from low-income backgrounds receive daily reminders—interpersonal and institutional, symbolic and structural—that they are the ones who do not belong.
To understand the prevalence of wealth at top-tier schools, and how those schools often fail to adequately serve low-income students, it helps to turn to a book called The Privileged Poor, by the Harvard University professor Anthony Abraham Jack, published earlier this month. In the book, Jack combines his own journey as a low-income student from Miami who attended selective schools (Amherst College as an undergrad and Harvard for graduate school) and his two-year ethnographic research project, in which he interviewed and followed the lives of low-income students as they navigated life at an unidentified elite school he refers to as “Renowned University.”
In the early pages of the book, Jack outlines how top colleges and universities are and have long been havens of the wealthy. In 2017, a team led by the Harvard economist Raj Chetty found that students coming from families in the top 1 percent—those who make more than $630,000 a year—are 77 times more likely to be admitted to and attend an Ivy League school than students coming from families who make less than $30,000 a year. Furthermore, the study found that 38 elite colleges have more students who come from families in the top 1 percent than students who come from the bottom 60 percent (families making less than $65,000 a year). In other research, Anthony Carnevale and Jeff Strohl, of Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, have documented how just 14 percent of undergraduates at the most competitive schools—places like Stanford, Princeton, and Columbia—come from families who make up the bottom half of U.S. income distribution.
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our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
крч новая любимая асанафото не моё

/tree pose/

тем временем там, где тепло, люди стали делать йогу на досках для сёрфинга
вот где мечта-то, а
точнее, это называется stand up paddle, а не борд для сёрфинга, вот
пятница, 15 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
четверг, 14 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Я тут Поняла, казалось бы, очевидную вещь. Но это то, за что я постоянно себя ругаю.
Я мало говорю о том, что меня радует, и часто - о плохом, потому что я привыкла (в семье), что всё, что мне интересно, обычно пресекалось на корню. Или мне подробно объясняли, почему у меня ничего не получится. И вот я и влачу этот паттерн. Надо себе что ли флешмоб запустить...
Я мало говорю о том, что меня радует, и часто - о плохом, потому что я привыкла (в семье), что всё, что мне интересно, обычно пресекалось на корню. Или мне подробно объясняли, почему у меня ничего не получится. И вот я и влачу этот паттерн. Надо себе что ли флешмоб запустить...
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Какими соображениями вы руководствуетесь, когда решаете, заниматься ли каким-то творческим проектом? В данной ситуации речь идёт о том, за что не заплатят, но не то чтобы у меня не было времени (его завались) и мне платили за остальные (не платят). Так что по идее у меня есть возможность участвовать. Но мне там особенно ничего не нравится. Я хз, оставаться ли там просто потому что "так надо, получай опыт", или уходить, чтобы не тратиться на то, что не приносит особенно ничего, кроме дополнительной нервотрёпки и селфи со смешным геотегом.
Покидайте мне точек зрения, пожалуйста.
Покидайте мне точек зрения, пожалуйста.
среда, 13 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
ну в общем-то тут
1. делайте прививки
2. не употребляйте БАДы т.к. туда суют дрянь
3. не употребляйте "травки" и прочее без консультации врача
4. не самолечитесь (лол я щас это делаю)
5. всё страшно потому что пиздец
суббота, 09 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

среда, 06 марта 2019
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
обожаю, как она "распускается" в этом видео)))
обожаю, как она "распускается" в этом видео)))
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
как жеж я пропустила этот выпуск