
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
"грудь киры найтли - разочарование вечера"


@темы: men suck

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
вместо тысячи слов успокоительного

@темы: шоб позырить


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Вот это прямо очень интересная и правильная статья.

«За этим proud скрывается не заявка на превосходство, а отрицание стыда. Вы думаете, мне неловко, а мне нет. Вы думаете, мне зазорно? А мне ничуть. Не утверждение о подвиге, а высказывание об отсутствии переживания стыда.»


Глава всех айфонов мира Тим Кук сознался, что гей, и смутил даже щедрых душой. «Я горжусь и считаю, что это один из самых больших подарков мне от Бога». А у нас, кроме плохо подготовленной почвы, попал еще и в переводческую ловушку.

Нашел чем гордиться. Что это за предмет для гордости – женщин не любить. Тут даже терпимые и свободомыслящие возмутятся. Ну ладно равенство, ну пусть свобода, но гордость-то при чем? Традиционные же не гордятся тем, что любят прекрасный пол, ну кроме тех, кому больше совсем нечем.

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@темы: bi, социальное, lgbt+


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
“Bring Me My Pain Twin”: A Movie Star Names Things


DIRECTOR: do you mean your stunt double


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@темы: прокрастинация, quotes, из всех искусств для нас важнейшим..., © internet, профессий много, но прекрасней всех...



our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
03.11.2014 в 14:23
Пишет  Narcissa_Malfoy:

Трейлер фандома "Семнадцать мгновений весны"
Фандом: Семнадцать мгновений весны
Музыка: Tommy Dorsey Orchestra "Tea for two cha cha"
Виддер:  Narcissa_Malfoy

URL записи

маяковский и есенин тоже не избежали slashcon.diary.ru/p192938164.htm

@темы: слэш, слэшкон, шоб позырить, ничего святого)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science
How our brains fool us on climate, creationism, and the vaccine-autism link.
—By Chris Mooney | May/June 2011 Issue


"A MAN WITH A CONVICTION is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point." So wrote the celebrated Stanford University psychologist Leon Festinger (PDF), in a passage that might have been referring to climate change denial—the persistent rejection, on the part of so many Americans today, of what we know about global warming and its human causes. But it was too early for that—this was the 1950s—and Festinger was actually describing a famous case study in psychology.

Festinger and several of his colleagues had infiltrated the Seekers, a small Chicago-area cult whose members thought they were communicating with aliens—including one, "Sananda," who they believed was the astral incarnation of Jesus Christ. The group was led by Dorothy Martin, a Dianetics devotee who transcribed the interstellar messages through automatic writing.

Through her, the aliens had given the precise date of an Earth-rending cataclysm: December 21, 1954. Some of Martin's followers quit their jobs and sold their property, expecting to be rescued by a flying saucer when the continent split asunder and a new sea swallowed much of the United States. The disciples even went so far as to remove brassieres and rip zippers out of their trousers—the metal, they believed, would pose a danger on the spacecraft.

Festinger and his team were with the cult when the prophecy failed. First, the "boys upstairs" (as the aliens were sometimes called) did not show up and rescue the Seekers. Then December 21 arrived without incident. It was the moment Festinger had been waiting for: How would people so emotionally invested in a belief system react, now that it had been soundly refuted?

At first, the group struggled for an explanation. But then rationalization set in. A new message arrived, announcing that they'd all been spared at the last minute. Festinger summarized the extraterrestrials' new pronouncement: "The little group, sitting all night long, had spread so much light that God had saved the world from destruction." Their willingness to believe in the prophecy had saved Earth from the prophecy!

From that day forward, the Seekers, previously shy of the press and indifferent toward evangelizing, began to proselytize. "Their sense of urgency was enormous," wrote Festinger. The devastation of all they had believed had made them even more certain of their beliefs.

In the annals of denial, it doesn't get much more extreme than the Seekers. They lost their jobs, the press mocked them, and there were efforts to keep them away from impressionable young minds. But while Martin's space cult might lie at on the far end of the spectrum of human self-delusion, there's plenty to go around. And since Festinger's day, an array of new discoveries in psychology and neuroscience has further demonstrated how our preexisting beliefs, far more than any new facts, can skew our thoughts and even color what we consider our most dispassionate and logical conclusions. This tendency toward so-called "motivated reasoning" helps explain why we find groups so polarized over matters where the evidence is so unequivocal: climate change, vaccines, "death panels," the birthplace and religion of the president (PDF), and much else. It would seem that expecting people to be convinced by the facts flies in the face of, you know, the facts.

The theory of motivated reasoning builds on a key insight of modern neuroscience (PDF): Reasoning is actually suffused with emotion (or what researchers often call "affect"). Not only are the two inseparable, but our positive or negative feelings about people, things, and ideas arise much more rapidly than our conscious thoughts, in a matter of milliseconds—fast enough to detect with an EEG device, but long before we're aware of it. That shouldn't be surprising: Evolution required us to react very quickly to stimuli in our environment. It's a "basic human survival skill," explains political scientist Arthur Lupia of the University of Michigan. We push threatening information away; we pull friendly information close. We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself.

We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself.
We're not driven only by emotions, of course—we also reason, deliberate. But reasoning comes later, works slower—and even then, it doesn't take place in an emotional vacuum. Rather, our quick-fire emotions can set us on a course of thinking that's highly biased, especially on topics we care a great deal about.

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@темы: социальное, dr, tl, yeah, science!, псих, ликвидация безграмотности


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

visit an animal shelter да я скорее повешусь

@темы: мотивировочная часть, it's the little things


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
Внезапно скоро будет прослушивание, в связи с чем я нуждаюсь в монологах. На английском языке.
Посоветуйте хоть что-нибудь, пожалуйста!
Эээ требования:
- оно не должно быть длинное (монолог на полторы минуты максимум), сокращать я уже особенно не успеваю, т.к. надо еще а. выбрать б. выучить с. проработать. И мне уже надо один сократить, т.к. я очень хочу монолог из the gone girl, но он огромный, но я таак с ним согласна.
- не будет тупо, что его читает 27-летняя девушка (то есть монолог премудрого старца мне не нужен)
- в данный момент приоритет в поиске - грустное\драматичное. комедийных полно и все классные, а вот выбрать грустные, которые я бы хотела прочесть..

Стихи\проза - не важно.

i'm new at this and it's all so sudden and this is going to be such a waste of time and money
because applications are fucking expensive wtf american education

@темы: профессий много, но прекрасней всех...


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
03.11.2014 в 01:13
Пишет  lone31star:

Трейлер Фемслэш-фандома
Фандом: Фемслэш
Музыка: Pitbull Feat. Ke$ha – Timber
Виддер: lone31star

URL записи

@темы: bi, шоб позырить, звук бы убрать только, и мой фемслэшный отп joan/jaime, йеее тут есть Калинда из the good wife, фандомы


our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway